c# Programming Glossary: textproperty
Create WPF TextBox that accepts only numbers [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1226128/create-wpf-textbox-that-accepts-only-numbers TextBox and to override the validation and coercion of the TextProperty. However I am not sure how to do this and I understand that..
Setting dropdownlist selecteditem programmatically http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3496456/setting-dropdownlist-selecteditem-programmatically list.DataValueField ValueProperty list.DataTextField TextProperty list.DataBind list.SelectedValue myValue.ToString The value..
“UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged” equivalent for a Windows Phone 7 TextBox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4833100/updatesourcetrigger-propertychanged-equivalent-for-a-windows-phone-7-textbox following WPF TextBox would do TextBox Text Binding Path TextProperty UpdateSourceTrigger PropertyChanged c# silverlight windows..
OneWayToSource Binding seems broken in .NET 4.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4875751/onewaytosource-binding-seems-broken-in-net-4-0 this simple piece of Xaml StackPanel TextBox Text Binding TextProperty Mode OneWayToSource Button StackPanel And my code behind looks.. this private string m_textProperty public string TextProperty get return Should not be used in OneWayToSource Binding set.. in the TextBox press Tab to make it lose Focus and the TextProperty updates with whatever text that was entered in the TextBox In..
How to keep WPF TextBox selection when not focused? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/642498/how-to-keep-wpf-textbox-selection-when-not-focused this Binding binding BindingOperations.GetBinding this TextProperty if binding.UpdateSourceTrigger UpdateSourceTrigger.Default binding.UpdateSourceTrigger..
Attach ICommand in WPF UserControl http://stackoverflow.com/questions/643689/attach-icommand-in-wpf-usercontrol typeof ImageButton public static DependencyProperty TextProperty DependencyProperty.Register ButtonText typeof string typeof.. string ButtonText get return string GetValue ImageButton.TextProperty set SetValue ImageButton.TextProperty value Then when I declare.. GetValue ImageButton.TextProperty set SetValue ImageButton.TextProperty value Then when I declare my button it gives this uc ImageButton..
Validation Error Style in WPF, similar to Silverlight http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7434245/validation-error-style-in-wpf-similar-to-silverlight Margin 10 VerticalAlignment Top TextBox Text Binding Path TextProperty Mode TwoWay ValidatesOnExceptions True Button Content Tab To.. this private string _textProperty public string TextProperty get return _textProperty set if value.Length 5 throw new Exception..