c# Programming Glossary: tfirst
Getting key of value of a generic Dictionary? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/255341/getting-key-of-value-of-a-generic-dictionary using System.Text class BiDictionary TFirst TSecond IDictionary TFirst IList TSecond firstToSecond new Dictionary.. System.Text class BiDictionary TFirst TSecond IDictionary TFirst IList TSecond firstToSecond new Dictionary TFirst IList TSecond.. TFirst IList TSecond firstToSecond new Dictionary TFirst IList TSecond IDictionary TSecond IList TFirst secondToFirst..
Bidirectional 1 to 1 Dictionary in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/268321/bidirectional-1-to-1-dictionary-in-c-sharp one of each value and key. It may be searched either by TFirst or by TSecond giving a unique answer because it is 1 to 1. summary.. unique answer because it is 1 to 1. summary typeparam name TFirst The type of the key typeparam typeparam name TSecond The type.. of the value typeparam public class BiDictionaryOneToOne TFirst TSecond IDictionary TFirst TSecond firstToSecond new Dictionary..