c# Programming Glossary: texture
Take screen shot in XNA http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1775196/take-screen-shot-in-xna
Color Replacement in XNA C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3255311/color-replacement-in-xna-c-sharp Replacement in XNA C# I load my textures using Texture2D.FromFile then draw them using spriteBatch.Draw.. pixels by doing this Assume you have a Texture2D called texture Color data new Color texture.Width texture.Height texutre.GetData.. you have a Texture2D called texture Color data new Color texture.Width texture.Height texutre.GetData data You now have a packed..
Using OpenGl with C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/536065/using-opengl-with-c nice to use. As a bonus it provides font rendering texture loading input handling audio math... share improve this answer..
How do I make a WPF window movable by dragging the extended window frame? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5493149/how-do-i-make-a-wpf-window-movable-by-dragging-the-extended-window-frame If your grid or other top level control has a background texture or gradient over the extended window frame the entire grid area.. control was hit it may be the grid if it has a background texture or gradient over the extended window frame return result.VisualHit..
C# crop circle in a image or bitmap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5734710/c-sharp-crop-circle-in-a-image-or-bitmap below crops the image to a square then loads that into a texture brush and finally draws an ellipse circle using that brush Private.. CropRect SourceImage.PixelFormat '' Create a texturebrush to draw our circle with Using TB As New TextureBrush CroppedImage..
How to Rotate a 2D Array of Integers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/646468/how-to-rotate-a-2d-array-of-integers I get a rotated tetris block. I cannot simply rotate the texture because all my collision detection etc has been designed to..
How to resize and save a Texture2D in XNA? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/664279/how-to-resize-and-save-a-texture2d-in-xna share improve this question You can scale your textures by rendering to a render target at the size you want and then.. at the size you want and then saving the render target texture. This simple example shows how you could do that. Ignore the.. bit is creating the render target and drawing the scaled texture. You should reuse the render targets where you can all images..
NV_STEREO_IMAGE_SIGNATURE and DirectX 10/11 (nVidia 3D Vision) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7377861/nv-stereo-image-signature-and-directx-10-11-nvidia-3d-vision this Render left eye image Render right eye image Create a texture able to contain them both PLUS an extra row so the texture size.. texture able to contain them both PLUS an extra row so the texture size would be 2 width height 1 Write this NV_STEREO_IMAGE_SIGNATURE.. 1 Write this NV_STEREO_IMAGE_SIGNATURE value Render this texture on the screen My test code skips the first two steps as I already..