c# Programming Glossary: textarea
List replies in a winform http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2866463/list-replies-in-a-winform InitializeComponent webBrowser1.DocumentText html body textarea rows '15' cols '92' name 'post text' id 'wmd input' textarea.. rows '15' cols '92' name 'post text' id 'wmd input' textarea body html webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted new WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler..
arabic text box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4008390/arabic-text-box this script type text javascript .ready function input textarea .each function this .attr lang fa script if you see the..
Fake a form submission with C# WebClient http://stackoverflow.com/questions/726710/fake-a-form-submission-with-c-sharp-webclient textEntryForm method post action project evaluate_to_pdf textarea id p rows 20 name p cols 132 br input type button value parse.. form I need to pass the data that would be entered into textarea id p . How do add that in using a WebClient to connect Thanks..
A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9130186/a-potentially-dangerous-request-form-value-was-detected-from-the-client div id Item div class Item table width 100 tr td textarea id txtAreaValue cols 35 rows 6 style resize none runat server.. AjaxControltoolkit.dll and then run and you will see the textarea being populated with xml. Click on the cancel button and this..