c# Programming Glossary: textwriter
C# Asp.net write file to client http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1072814/c-sharp-asp-net-write-file-to-client the client via Response object. to create on the webserver TextWriter tw new StreamWriter filePath to send to client page.Response.WriteFile..
How do you check for permissions to write to a directory or file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/130617/how-do-you-check-for-permissions-to-write-to-a-directory-or-file fstream new FileStream filename FileMode.Create using TextWriter writer new StreamWriter fstream try catch block for write permissions.. fstream new FileStream filename FileMode.Create using TextWriter writer new StreamWriter fstream try catch block for write permissions..
C# object dumper http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1347375/c-sharp-object-dumper public static void Write object element int depth TextWriter log ObjectDumper dumper new ObjectDumper depth dumper.writer.. depth dumper.writer log dumper.WriteObject null element TextWriter writer int pos int level int depth private ObjectDumper int..
Why does BinaryWriter prepend gibberish to the start of a stream? How do you avoid it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1488486/why-does-binarywriter-prepend-gibberish-to-the-start-of-a-stream-how-do-you-avo If you had a lot of text to write you could even attach a TextWriter to the same stream. But be careful the Writers want to close..
.net XML Serialization - Storing Reference instead of Object Copy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1617528/net-xml-serialization-storing-reference-instead-of-object-copy p2 XmlSerializer ser new XmlSerializer typeof Person using TextWriter tw new StreamWriter test.xml ser.Serialize tw group above code..
Omitting XML processing instruction when serializing an object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/164585/omitting-xml-processing-instruction-when-serializing-an-object MyObject StringBuilder builder new StringBuilder using TextWriter stringWriter new StringWriter builder serializer.Serialize stringWriter.. output System.Xml.XmlWriter writer new System.Xml.XmlTextWriter internalWriter System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer serializer..
Best way to store data locally in .NET (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1941928/best-way-to-store-data-locally-in-net-c FileStream fs new FileStream filepath FileMode.CreateNew TextWriter tw new StreamWriter fs ser.Serialize tw cm tw.Close fs.Close..
Serialize an object to string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2434534/serialize-an-object-to-string xmlSerializer new XmlSerializer toSerialize.GetType TextWriter textWriter new StreamWriter filename xmlSerializer.Serialize..
How to add XmlInclude attribute dynamically http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2689566/how-to-add-xmlinclude-attribute-dynamically type typeof AList var serializer new XmlSerializer type TextWriter w new StringWriter serializer.Serialize w aList Now when I..
How to add (simple) tracing in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27610/how-to-add-simple-tracing-in-c trace autoflush true listeners add type System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener name TextWriter initializeData trace.log listeners.. add type System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener name TextWriter initializeData trace.log listeners trace system.diagnostics.. listeners trace system.diagnostics This will add a TextWriterTraceListener that will catch everything you send to with Trace.WriteLine..
How do I get the HTML output of a UserControl in .NET (C#)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/288409/how-do-i-get-the-html-output-of-a-usercontrol-in-net-c Using azamsharp 's method worked here's the code example TextWriter myTextWriter new StringWriter HtmlTextWriter myWriter new HtmlTextWriter.. 's method worked here's the code example TextWriter myTextWriter new StringWriter HtmlTextWriter myWriter new HtmlTextWriter.. code example TextWriter myTextWriter new StringWriter HtmlTextWriter myWriter new HtmlTextWriter myTextWriter myControl.RenderControl..
how to convert my decimal thread ID to hex and make it appear in hex format in log4net conversion pattern? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3183121/how-to-convert-my-decimal-thread-id-to-hex-and-make-it-appear-in-hex-format-in-l PatternLayoutConverter override protected void Convert TextWriter writer LoggingEvent loggingEvent long id if long.TryParse loggingEvent.ThreadName..
Fastest way to serialize and deserialize .NET object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4143421/fastest-way-to-serialize-and-deserialize-net-object TD tData var serializer new XmlSerializer typeof List TD TextWriter writer new StringWriter serializer.Serialize writer tData return..
Can an internal setter of a property be serialized? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/420662/can-an-internal-setter-of-a-property-be-serialized 1 XmlSerializer serializer new XmlSerializer typeof Person TextWriter writer new StreamWriter @ c test.xml serializer.Serialize writer..
GridView must be placed inside a form tag with runat=“server” even after the GridView is within a form tag http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6343630/gridview-must-be-placed-inside-a-form-tag-with-runat-server-even-after-the-gri EventArgs e g.DataSource new string a b c g.DataBind TextWriter tw new StringWriter HtmlTextWriter h new HtmlTextWriter tw.. a b c g.DataBind TextWriter tw new StringWriter HtmlTextWriter h new HtmlTextWriter tw d.RenderControl h t.Text tw.ToString.. TextWriter tw new StringWriter HtmlTextWriter h new HtmlTextWriter tw d.RenderControl h t.Text tw.ToString Even the GridView..
Serializing private member data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/802711/serializing-private-member-data XmlSerializer serializer new XmlSerializer typeof MyObject TextWriter tw new StreamWriter _location serializer.Serialize tw obj tw.Close..
Convert Dataset to XML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8384014/convert-dataset-to-xml DataSet ds using var memoryStream new MemoryStream using TextWriter streamWriter new StreamWriter memoryStream var xmlSerializer..
Convert DataTable to CSV stream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/888181/convert-datatable-to-csv-stream merge i .LastName dr Surname i Finally write to a stream TextWriter writer new StringWriter engine.WriteStream writer merge context.Response.Write..
Using StringWriter for XML Serialization http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1564718/using-stringwriter-for-xml-serialization false settings.OmitXmlDeclaration false using StringWriter textWriter new StringWriter using XmlWriter xmlWriter XmlWriter.Create.. StringWriter using XmlWriter xmlWriter XmlWriter.Create textWriter settings serializer.Serialize xmlWriter value return textWriter.ToString.. settings serializer.Serialize xmlWriter value return textWriter.ToString public static T Deserialize T string xml if string.IsNullOrEmpty..
Serialize an object to string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2434534/serialize-an-object-to-string new XmlSerializer toSerialize.GetType TextWriter textWriter new StreamWriter filename xmlSerializer.Serialize textWriter.. new StreamWriter filename xmlSerializer.Serialize textWriter toSerialize textWriter.Close I confess I did not write it I.. filename xmlSerializer.Serialize textWriter toSerialize textWriter.Close I confess I did not write it I only converted it to a..
Is there a reason why a base class decorated with XmlInclude would still throw a type unknown exception when serialized? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4616505/is-there-a-reason-why-a-base-class-decorated-with-xmlinclude-would-still-throw-a TextWriter textWriter Object o XmlSerializerNamespaces namespaces at UserQuery.RunUserAuthoredQuery..
C# Xml Serialization & Deserialization http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8722126/c-sharp-xml-serialization-deserialization memStream new MemoryStream using XmlTextWriter textWriter new XmlTextWriter memStream Encoding.Unicode System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.. typeof T serializer.Serialize textWriter item memStream textWriter.BaseStream as MemoryStream if memStream.. typeof T serializer.Serialize textWriter item memStream textWriter.BaseStream as MemoryStream if memStream null return Encoding.Unicode.GetString..