c# Programming Glossary: testobject
Using C# COM in unmanaged C++ project -> First-chance exception at 0x7697C41F (KernelBase.dll) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13724006/using-c-sharp-com-in-unmanaged-c-project-first-chance-exception-at-0x7697c4 p p.CreateInstance __uuidof SalesForceNew TestObject error SalesForceNew MyObject mo p getObject 1 a However the.. F270 458D A67B C834EB794B27 ComVisible true public class TestObject IMyObjectClass public MyObject getObject int i string s return..
ObservableCollection that also monitors changes on the elements in collection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/269073/observablecollection-that-also-monitors-changes-on-the-elements-in-collection below work on original instance ObservableCollection TestObject col new ObservableCollectionEx TestObject INotifyPropertyChanged.. TestObject col new ObservableCollectionEx TestObject INotifyPropertyChanged col .PropertyChanged s e Trace.WriteLine.. s e Trace.WriteLine Changed e.PropertyName var test new TestObject col.Add test no event raised test.Info NewValue Info property..
Linq to objects Predicate Builder http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7094930/linq-to-objects-predicate-builder string keyword1 Test1 string keyword2 Test3 IEnumerable TestObject tests new List TestObject new TestObject Name1 Test1 Name2.. keyword2 Test3 IEnumerable TestObject tests new List TestObject new TestObject Name1 Test1 Name2 Test1 new TestObject.. IEnumerable TestObject tests new List TestObject new TestObject Name1 Test1 Name2 Test1 new TestObject Name1 Test2 Name2 Test2..