c# Programming Glossary: textbox1
How to update textbox on GUI from another thread in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1136399/how-to-update-textbox-on-gui-from-another-thread-in-c-sharp I get the error Cross thread operation not valid Control textBox1 accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created.. Some code public bool addUser string user ref RichTextBox textBox1 ref List string listBox1 here i am trying to update that control.. to update that control and where i get that exception textBox1.Text Connected to server... n So how to do that How can I update..
Best practices for C# GUI naming conventions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1246546/best-practices-for-c-sharp-gui-naming-conventions since you need name.Text to get the real value TextBox textBox1 Default name as bad as you can get I abide by the StyleCop rules..
C# Text don't display on another form after double clicking an item in listbox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12795668/c-sharp-text-dont-display-on-another-form-after-double-clicking-an-item-in-list object sender EventArgs e msgForm3 new Form3 textBox1.Text listBox10.SelectedItem.ToString msgForm3.Show But somehow.. with my coding c# share improve this question The textBox1 you are accessing is not on msgForm3 . to access the one on.. msgForm3 use as the other answers have mentioned msgForm3.textBox1.Text listBox10.SelectedItem.ToString but since all form controls..
how to transfer the text from dynamically generated user control to a textbox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14162839/how-to-transfer-the-text-from-dynamically-generated-user-control-to-a-textbox oldtextbox1.Text still textbox3.text myCrl.textBox1.Text oldtextbox2.Text.Text still textbox4.text myCrl.textBox2.Text.. to access from another object in this case the string of textBox1 public String FirstTextBoxText get return this.textBox1.Text.. of textBox1 public String FirstTextBoxText get return this.textBox1.Text Then you can say in your Form class if ctrl is UserControl..
C# - Binding TextBox to an integer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1497489/c-sharp-binding-textbox-to-an-integer bind a TextBox to an integer For example binding unit to textBox1. public partial class Form1 Form int unit public Form1 InitializeComponent.. private void Form1_Load object sender EventArgs e textBox1.DataBindings.Add Text unit c# winforms data binding share.. get set private void Form1_Load object sender EventArgs e textBox1.DataBindings.Add Text this Unit For two way notification you'll..
Extending a solution for simple binding to a 'Text property to multiple Controls to handle binding to any Type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2391828/extending-a-solution-for-simple-binding-to-a-text-property-to-multiple-controls etc. TextBindingExtender.AddTextBindings new List Control textBox1 textBox2 userControl11.tb label1 instanceOfForm2.tb Text theText..
Find Control by name from windows forms controls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3898588/find-control-by-name-from-windows-forms-controls . TextBox tbx this.Controls.Find textBox1 true .FirstOrDefault as TextBox tbx.Text found EDIT for asker..
Winforms c# - Set focus to first child control of tab page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/48680/winforms-c-sharp-set-focus-to-first-child-control-of-tab-page void frmMainLoad object sender EventArgs e ActiveControl textBox1 The better question would however be why... I'm not entirely..
How do I make a Control Array in C# 2010.NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5435293/how-do-i-make-a-control-array-in-c-sharp-2010-net public Form1 InitializeComponent textBoxes new TextBox textBox1 textBox2 textBox3 public ICollection TextBox TextBoxes get return..
how to access winform textbox control from another class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5646954/how-to-access-winform-textbox-control-from-another-class class i have a winform called Form1 and a textbox called textBox1 in the form i can set the text by typing textBox1.text change.. called textBox1 in the form i can set the text by typing textBox1.text change text now i have created another class.how do i call.. change text now i have created another class.how do i call textBox1 in this class so i want to change the text for textBox1 in this..
Shortest way to write a thread-safe access method to a windows forms control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/571706/shortest-way-to-write-a-thread-safe-access-method-to-a-windows-forms-control If these threads are different it returns true. if this.textBox1.InvokeRequired SetTextCallback d new SetTextCallback SetText.. SetText this.Invoke d new object text else this.textBox1.Text text Is there a shorter way to accomplish the same thing.. then call it like this private void SetText string text textBox1.SynchronizedInvoke textBox1.Text text Here the closure is over..
Web browser control: How to capture document events? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9110388/web-browser-control-how-to-capture-document-events need two components WebBrowser webBrowser1 and a TextBox textBox1 public partial class MainWindow Window public MainWindow InitializeComponent..
C# SQL & Database tutorial [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10351372/c-sharp-sql-database-tutorial Usernames and Passwords into the database so really just textbox1 and textbox2 values on a button click. I'm not looking for anyone..
How to update textbox on GUI from another thread in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1136399/how-to-update-textbox-on-gui-from-another-thread-in-c-sharp of my Windows form private Topic topic public RichTextBox textbox1 bool check topic.addUser textBoxNickname.Text ref textbox1 ref.. textbox1 bool check topic.addUser textBoxNickname.Text ref textbox1 ref listitems Topic class public class Topic MarshalByRefObject.. Topic.soap URI private Topic topic public RichTextBox textbox1 bool check topic.addUser textBoxNickname.Text textBox1 listitems..
Update WinForm Controls from another thread _and_ class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12131453/update-winform-controls-from-another-thread-and-class object Form1.Invoke Form1.updateTextBox strItem updates textbox1 on winForm In the above case 'this' is not passed. share improve..
C# Text don't display on another form after double clicking an item in listbox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12795668/c-sharp-text-dont-display-on-another-form-after-double-clicking-an-item-in-list it will show another form Form3 which consist a textbox textbox1 and the textbox's text is the item I select. Below is my coding... textBox1 or add the text that should go in textbox1 as a parameter in Form3 constructor public Form3 string text..
how to transfer the text from dynamically generated user control to a textbox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14162839/how-to-transfer-the-text-from-dynamically-generated-user-control-to-a-textbox controls 2 combobox and 2 textbox i.e combobox1 combobox2 textbox1 textbox2 there are 4 textbox which are on the same form which.. are 4 textbox which are on the same form which is still textbox1 still textbox2 still textbox3 still textbox4 one more button2.. and texboxes which is oldcombobox1 oldcombobox2 oldtextbox1 old textbox2 when button1 is click twice it will add two usercontrol..
How to change text in a textbox on another form in Visual C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1806795/how-to-change-text-in-a-textbox-on-another-form-in-visual-c a property to the Form2 class that sets your textbox where textbox1 is the name of your textbox . I prefer this method method over..
Reading a barcode using a USB barcode scanner along with ignoring keyboard data input while scanner product id and vendor id are not known http://stackoverflow.com/questions/615036/reading-a-barcode-using-a-usb-barcode-scanner-along-with-ignoring-keyboard-data barcode so this is a simple form using VS2005 VB contains textbox1 textbox2 textbox3 Button1 Timer1 the time interval set to 50..
How to update textbox in form1 from form2? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7969582/how-to-update-textbox-in-form1-from-form2 button on it. The default names for the controls will be textbox1 and button1 respectively. Leave it as is. Double click on the..
Cross-thread operation not valid while listening to a COM port [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1377529/cross-thread-operation-not-valid-while-listening-to-a-com-port event. The logic is simple I write something to TextBox1 press Button1 and my text should show it self in Label1. But.. Label1.Text sp.ReadLine catch Exception exception RichTextBox1.Text exception.Message n n exception.Data finally sp.Close.. EventArgs e try sp.PortName COM3 sp.Open sp.WriteLine TextBox1.Text catch Exception exception RichTextBox1.Text exception.Message..
Repeater and Custom Control - Dynamically adding to the collection and retaining values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14447883/repeater-and-custom-control-dynamically-adding-to-the-collection-and-retaining asp TextBox runat server ID TextBox1 asp TextBox private List int _controlIds private List int ControlIds..
C#, FindControl http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1457567/c-findcontrol protected void Button1_Click object sender EventArgs e if TextBox1.Text Label Label1 Label Master.FindControl Label1 Label1.Text.. Label1 Label1.Text b The text you entered was TextBox1.Text . b protected void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged.. br This is done using FindControl. br asp TextBox ID TextBox1 runat server asp TextBox asp Button ID Button1 runat server..
How can I create an Array of Controls in C#.NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2203049/how-can-i-create-an-array-of-controls-in-c-net ControlCollection.add Button1 ControlCollection.add TextBox1 ... ... foreach Control x in ControlCollection x.Enabled false..
Best way to limit textbox decimal input in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3125463/best-way-to-limit-textbox-decimal-input-in-c-sharp code to the KeyDown event of the textbox private void TextBox1_KeyDown object sender System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e switch.. the following to the TextBox's Validate event private void TextBox1_Validating object sender System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs.. object sender System.EventArgs e filter.SetTextBoxFilter TextBox1 TextBoxFilter.Filters.Numbers public Form1 Load Form1_Load..
Dynamically Loading a UserControl with LoadControl Method (Type, object[]) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/450431/dynamically-loading-a-usercontrol-with-loadcontrol-method-type-object class it does not contain the proper code to instantiate TextBox1 reference which is actually defined in the derived type. There.. the derived type which knows how to instantiate TextBox1. 2. Use a single file page and adds @ Reference directive to..
jquery datepicker ms ajax updatepanel doesn't work after post back http://stackoverflow.com/questions/520645/jquery-datepicker-ms-ajax-updatepanel-doesnt-work-after-post-back UpdatePanel1 runat server ContentTemplate asp TextBox ID TextBox1 runat server CssClass mydatepickerclass asp TextBox br asp..
Perform Button click event when user press Enter key in Textbox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5948171/perform-button-click-event-when-user-press-enter-key-in-textbox UpdateMode Conditional ContentTemplate asp TextBox ID TextBox1 runat server asp TextBox asp Button ID Button1 runat server.. c# javascript asp.net share improve this question this.TextBox1.Attributes.Add onkeypress button_click this ' this.Button1.ClientID..
Passing ASP.NET client IDs in to a javascript function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6345484/passing-asp-net-client-ids-in-to-a-javascript-function html element i.e. without runat server asp TextBox ID TextBox1 runat server asp TextBox input type text id ClientText1 onblur.. input type text id ClientText1 onblur javascript alert ' TextBox1.ClientID ' or see this Stack Overflow answer problem assigning..
ASP.NET Custom Validator Client side & Server Side validation not firing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/701029/asp-net-custom-validator-client-side-server-side-validation-not-firing validation function fine without a value asp TextBox ID TextBox1 runat server asp CustomValidator ID CustomValidator1 runat server..