c# Programming Glossary: textbox.text
textbox auto complete (Multi Line) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12972761/textbox-auto-complete-multi-line List string localList list.Where z z.StartsWith textBox.Text .ToList if localList.Any string.IsNullOrEmpty textBox.Text .. textBox.Text .ToList if localList.Any string.IsNullOrEmpty textBox.Text listBox.DataSource localList listBox.Show listBox.Focus Now..
Why can't I access a TextBox by Name with FindName()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1755377/why-cant-i-access-a-textbox-by-name-with-findname Name TextBox textBox new TextBox textBox.Name FirstName textBox.Text test sp.Children.Add textBlock sp.Children.Add textBox FormBase.Children.Add.. . ... TextBox textBox new TextBox textBox.Name FirstName textBox.Text test this.RegisterName FirstName textBox ... Adding Elements..
Silverlight numeric textbox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1977202/silverlight-numeric-textbox if UIApplication.DesignMode return var textBox TextBox d textBox.TextChanged OnTextChanged textBox.SelectionChanged OnSelectionChanged.. TextBox sender var inputType GetType textBox if IsValid textBox.Text inputType SetPreviousTextSelection textBox new TextSelection.. SetPreviousTextSelection textBox new TextSelection textBox.Text textBox.SelectionStart textBox.SelectionLength else var textSelection..
Passing data between forms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4587952/passing-data-between-forms button of Form2 Form1 frm new Form1 frm.ListBox.items.Add textBox.Text But amazingly this does not add any value. I thought I was mistaken..
Prompt Dialog in Windows Forms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5427020/prompt-dialog-in-windows-forms prompt.Controls.Add textBox prompt.ShowDialog return textBox.Text And calling it string promptValue Prompt.ShowDialog Test 123..
How can I pass values from one form to another in Asp.net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6746860/how-can-i-pass-values-from-one-form-to-another-in-asp-net void btnAdd_Click object sender EventArgs e Session name textBox.Text Server.Transfer WebForm1.aspx and in target i have to write..
TextBox.Text Leaking Memory in WPF Application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3336908/textbox-text-leaking-memory-in-wpf-application Leaking Memory in WPF Application I have an application that..
Bind TextBox on Enter-key press http://stackoverflow.com/questions/563195/bind-textbox-on-enter-key-press InputBindingsManager.UpdatePropertySourceWhenEnterPressed TextBox.Text You just need to make sure to include an xmlns clr namespace..
The multi-part identifier “TextBox1.Text” could not be bound in C# ASP.NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5696987/the-multi-part-identifier-textbox1-text-could-not-be-bound-in-c-sharp-asp-net Text property of the TextBox controls to the query not the TextBox.Text as a string string updateQuery UPDATE ProductInstance SET CustId..
BackgroundWorker OnWorkCompleted throws cross-thread exception http://stackoverflow.com/questions/818767/backgroundworker-onworkcompleted-throws-cross-thread-exception OnWorkCompleted event I re enable some buttons change a TextBox.Text property and raise an event for the parent form. Form A holds..
How can I handle a Validation.Error in my ViewModel instead of my View's code behind? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/921601/how-can-i-handle-a-validation-error-in-my-viewmodel-instead-of-my-views-code-be works fine TextBox Width 200 Validation.Error HandleError TextBox.Text Binding Path FirstName NotifyOnValidationError True Mode TwoWay.. DataTypeLineIsValid Binding.ValidationRules Binding TextBox.Text TextBox However I would like to handle the validation in my.. Width 200 Validation.Error Binding HandleErrorCommand TextBox.Text Binding Path FirstName NotifyOnValidationError True Mode TwoWay..