c# Programming Glossary: textbox2.text
C# SQL & Database tutorial [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10351372/c-sharp-sql-database-tutorial name textBox1.Text comm.Parameters.AddWithValue password textBox2.Text Execute the query comm.ExecuteNonQuery It is the code of the..
how to pass ip-address to webBrowser control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12038376/how-to-pass-ip-address-to-webbrowser-control webBrowser1.SourceIPAddress ip webBrowser1.Navigate textBox2.Text this is how i want to pass ip address to webBrowser control..
textbox auto complete (Multi Line) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12972761/textbox-auto-complete-multi-line sender KeyEventArgs e if e.KeyValue decimal Keys.Enter textBox2.Text ListBox sender .SelectedItem.ToString listBox.Hide Put in..
MS Word Office Automation - Filling Text Form Fields And Check Box Form Fields And Mail Merge http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1371093/ms-word-office-automation-filling-text-form-fields-and-check-box-form-fields-a oDoc.Bookmarks.get_Item ref oBookMark .Range.Text textBox2.Text SaveAs D Test Doc2.doc Quit MessageBox.Show The file is successfully..
insert into ms access database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15618165/insert-into-ms-access-database query_insert dbConnDest dAdapter.InsertCommand cmd_insert textBox2.Text query_insert.ToString dbConnDest.Close When I take the the content..
C# Active Directory: Get domain name of user? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4249139/c-sharp-active-directory-get-domain-name-of-user DirectoryEntry root new DirectoryEntry secondPart textBox2.Text textBox3.Text DirectorySearcher searcher new DirectorySearcher..
Input string was not in a correct format http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8321514/input-string-was-not-in-a-correct-format a Int32.Parse textBox1.Text b Int32.Parse textBox2.Text private void button1_Click object sender EventArgs e add result.. resultado private void clear label1.Text textBox1.Text textBox2.Text What can be the problem Is there a way to solve it PS I also..
cropping an area from BitmapData with C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9688454/cropping-an-area-from-bitmapdata-with-c-sharp 9 01_bitmap.bmp Clone1.Dispose s1.Stop source.Dispose textBox2.Text s1.ElapsedMilliseconds 100 ms private void button3_Click object..
Add item to Listview control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9951704/add-item-to-listview-control object sender EventArgs e string row textBox1.Text textBox2.Text textBox3.Text var listViewItem new ListViewItem row listView1.Items.Add..
Why does .ToString() on a null string cause a null error, when .ToString() works fine on a nullable int with null value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11446838/why-does-tostring-on-a-null-string-cause-a-null-error-when-tostring-works when... TextBox1.Text selectedItem.Cost.ToString no error TextBox2.Text selectedItem.SerialNumber.ToString error I understand that SerialNumber.ToString..
How to show a error message if the data is already inserted in the database in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3170785/how-to-show-a-error-message-if-the-data-is-already-inserted-in-the-database-in-c command.Parameters.AddWithValue @Select_State TextBox2.Text command.Parameters.AddWithValue @Select_Franchise TextBox3.Text..
MySql and inserting last ID problem remains http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5542999/mysql-and-inserting-last-id-problem-remains Aboutme username password VALUES ' TextBox1.Text ' ' TextBox2.Text ' ' TextBox3.Text ' ' TextBox4.Text ' ' TextBox5.Text ' ' TextBox6.Text..
The multi-part identifier “TextBox1.Text” could not be bound in C# ASP.NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5696987/the-multi-part-identifier-textbox1-text-could-not-be-bound-in-c-sharp-asp-net dr.Read TextBox1.Text dr.GetInt32 0 .ToString TextBox2.Text dr.GetString 1 TextBox3.Text dr.GetString 2 TextBox4.Text.. UPDATE ProductInstance SET CustId TextBox1.Text CustName TextBox2.Text SicNaic TextBox3.Text CustCity TextBox4.Text CustAdd TextBox5.Text.. UPDATE ProductInstance SET CustId TextBox1.Text CustName ' TextBox2.Text ' .... x NOTE If the value of the Text property was a string..
Reading a barcode using a USB barcode scanner along with ignoring keyboard data input while scanner product id and vendor id are not known http://stackoverflow.com/questions/615036/reading-a-barcode-using-a-usb-barcode-scanner-along-with-ignoring-keyboard-data e.KeyChar 13 And Len BarcodeStr 4 Then IsBarcodeTaken True TextBox2.Text BarcodeStr End If End Sub Private Sub Form1_KeyUp ByVal sender.. ByVal e As System.EventArgs Handles Button1.Click TextBox2.Text End Sub End Class hope it helps Ehab share improve this answer..