c# Programming Glossary: privately
(Attempting to) migrate from WSE 3.0 to WCF for client code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10589561/attempting-to-migrate-from-wse-3-0-to-wcf-for-client-code header with the wsa prefix definition. If you want help privately since you seem to have security restrictions by all means send..
Why do we need the “event” keyword while defining events? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3028724/why-do-we-need-the-event-keyword-while-defining-events and a private backing field. This lets you raise the event privately but allow public subscription. With a public delegate field..
Why would a class implement IDisposable explicitly instead of implicitly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3119288/why-would-a-class-implement-idisposable-explicitly-instead-of-implicitly use the method name Close. In this case implement Dispose privately and create a public Close method that calls Dispose. P.S. I..
List<T> readonly with a private set http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4749021/listt-readonly-with-a-private-set I expose a List T so that it is readonly but can be set privately This doesnt work public List string myList readonly get private..
Constructors and Inheritance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/617336/constructors-and-inheritance be he could always override base class constructors using privately declared constructors in each derived class. That is certainly..