c# Programming Glossary: printdocument
save an image as a bitmap without losing quality http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11699219/save-an-image-as-a-bitmap-without-losing-quality the bitmap bitmap.Save n test.bmp Print the bitmap using PrintDocument printDocument new PrintDocument printDocument.PrintPage object.. Print the bitmap using PrintDocument printDocument new PrintDocument printDocument.PrintPage object sender PrintPageEventArgs e..
Programmatically “hello world” default SERVER-side printer in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12229823/programmatically-hello-world-default-server-side-printer-in-asp-net-mvc printers are installed . public void TestPrint var x new PrintDocument x.PrintPage new PrintPageEventHandler PrintPage x.Print private.. hello world server side in .NET Share the printer Create a PrintDocument object Reference the printer by name Add a method to provide.. System.Drawing.Printing public void Print var doc new PrintDocument doc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName deployment machine name share..
how to print datagridview data on winforms? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15853746/how-to-print-datagridview-data-on-winforms new ArrayList Used to save column widths private PrintDocument _printDocument new PrintDocument private DataGridView gw new.. column widths private PrintDocument _printDocument new PrintDocument private DataGridView gw new DataGridView private string _ReportHeader..
How do I print an HTML document from a web service? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/174/how-do-i-print-an-html-document-from-a-web-service Thread thread new Thread ThreadStart delegate PrintDocument document thread.SetApartmentState ApartmentState.STA thread.Start.. ApartmentState.STA thread.Start else PrintDocument document protected void PrintDocument string document WebBrowser.. thread.Start else PrintDocument document protected void PrintDocument string document WebBrowser browser new WebBrowser browser.DocumentText..
.NET code to send ZPL to Zebra printers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2044676/net-code-to-send-zpl-to-zebra-printers look at this thread Print ZPL codes to ZEBRA printer using PrintDocument class . Specifically the OP pick this function from the answers..
Print existing PDF (or other files) in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/273675/print-existing-pdf-or-other-files-in-c-sharp Printing a PNG or GIF would be much easier just extend the PrintDocument class and use the normal print dialog provided by Windows Forms...
Best way to print from c# / .net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/371384/best-way-to-print-from-c-sharp-net The simplest form of this is Sub MyMethod Dim x as New PrintDocument AddHandler x.PrintPage AddressOf printDoc_PrintPage x.Print..
Print images c#.net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5750659/print-images-c-net share improve this question The Code below uses the PrintDocument object which you can place an image on to the printdocument.. protected void btnPrint_Click object sender EventArgs e PrintDocument pd new PrintDocument pd.PrintPage PrintPage pd.Print private.. object sender EventArgs e PrintDocument pd new PrintDocument pd.PrintPage PrintPage pd.Print private void PrintPage object..
C# Printing (RichTextBox) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7399842/c-sharp-printing-richtextbox sender EventArgs e PrintDialog printDialog new PrintDialog PrintDocument documentToPrint new PrintDocument printDialog.Document documentToPrint.. new PrintDialog PrintDocument documentToPrint new PrintDocument printDialog.Document documentToPrint if printDialog.ShowDialog..
Printing from a .NET Service [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7990/printing-from-a-net-service page printing will be a big headache. Still have to use PrintDocument to print the memory stream which is unsupported in a Windows..
How to find the actual printable area? (PrintDocument) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8761633/how-to-find-the-actual-printable-area-printdocument to find the actual printable area PrintDocument Why is finding out this magic Rectangle so difficult In the.. at the top left corner of the printable area of the page. PrintDocument Class Definition on MSDN So with OriginAtMargins set to false.. the rough model of the sample code you posted here's a PrintDocument.PrintPage event handler that will draw a rectangle as large..