

c# Programming Glossary: printf

Formatting doubles for output in C#


Would be the C# equivalent of this C code double i 10 0.69 printf f n i printf .20f n i printf .20f n 6.9 i printf .20f n 6.9.. C# equivalent of this C code double i 10 0.69 printf f n i printf .20f n i printf .20f n 6.9 i printf .20f n 6.9 However the C#.. this C code double i 10 0.69 printf f n i printf .20f n i printf .20f n 6.9 i printf .20f n 6.9 However the C# produces the output..

Why are Cdecl calls often mismatched in the “standard” P/Invoke Convention?


use P Invoke marshalling DllImport msvcrt.dll EntryPoint printf CallingConvention CallingConvention Cdecl CharSet CharSet Ansi.. number of arguments. Common in C code with functions like printf and scanf . With the side effect that since it is the caller..

C# performance - Using unsafe pointers instead of IntPtr and Marshal


main struct MyData myData NULL int length 100 1024 1024 printf C test n CreateMyData myData length if myData NULL printf Length.. printf C test n CreateMyData myData length if myData NULL printf Length d n myData length if myData bytes NULL printf First d.. NULL printf Length d n myData length if myData bytes NULL printf First d last d n myData bytes 0 myData bytes myData length 1..

How does SetUnhandledExceptionFilter work in .NET WinForms applications?


__in struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS ExceptionInfo printf Native exception filter X n ExceptionInfo ExceptionRecord ExceptionCode.. LONG ret oldFilter_ ExceptionInfo printf Other handler returned d n ret return ret #pragma managed namespace.. oldFilter_ SetUnhandledExceptionFilter MyExceptionFilter printf Installed handler old x n oldFilter_ c# .net debugging clrdump..

Reference a GNU C (POSIX) DLL built in GCC against Cygwin, from C#/NET


stdio.h extern C __declspec dllexport int hello int hello printf Hello World n return 42 I believe I should be able to reference..

Can I give default value to parameters or optional parameters in C# functions?


Can I give default parameters for C# in C void fun int i 1 printf d i We can give parameters default value Is it possible in C#...

NTFS Alternate Data Streams - .NET


NULL OPEN_ALWAYS 0 NULL if hFile INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE printf Cannot open testfile n else WriteFile hFile This is testfile.. OPEN_ALWAYS 0 NULL if hStream INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE printf Cannot open testfile stream n else WriteFile hStream This is..

C# vs C - Big performance difference [closed]


root clock_t start clock for i 0 i 100000000 i root sqrt i printf Time elapsed f n double clock start CLOCKS_PER_SEC And the C#..

Calling C# code from C++


argc _TCHAR argv System DateTime now System DateTime Now printf d d d n now.Hour now.Minute now.Second return 0 Does this count..