c# Programming Glossary: probing
DllNotFoundException with HRESULT 0x8007007E when loading 64-bit dll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10774250/dllnotfoundexception-with-hresult-0x8007007e-when-loading-64-bit-dll where your program is looking for files. You should see it probing for the DLL searching through the directories of the PATH and..
C#: Custom assembly directory http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1594214/c-custom-assembly-directory assemblyBinding xmlns urn schemas microsoft com asm.v1 probing privatePath lib assemblyBinding runtime share improve this..
C# - Set Custom Path to Referenced DLL's? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1892492/c-sharp-set-custom-path-to-referenced-dlls assemblyBinding xmlns urn schemas microsoft com asm.v1 probing privatePath bin DLLs assemblyBinding runtime configuration ..
C# Putting the required DLLs somewhere other than the root of the output [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2445556/c-sharp-putting-the-required-dlls-somewhere-other-than-the-root-of-the-output assemblyBinding xmlns urn schemas microsoft com asm.v1 probing privatePath lib assemblyBinding runtime According to http msdn.microsoft.com..
How to pre-load all deployed assemblies for an AppDomain http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3021613/how-to-pre-load-all-deployed-assemblies-for-an-appdomain we take this functionality for granted and since the probing appears to be embedded within the .Net runtime Assembly._nLoad.. do Equally this approach works nicely with custom assembly probing implemented by hanging off the AppDomain.AssemblyResolve event.. event anyway to ensure they get loaded when the normal probing fails so everything works as before. share improve this answer..
Checking an assembly for a strong name http://stackoverflow.com/questions/308756/checking-an-assembly-for-a-strong-name to a point where he is able to inject an assembly in the probing path of your app he won't bother doing it the hard way. He'd..
How to use Ninject Conventions extension without referencing Assembly (or Types within it) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4019585/how-to-use-ninject-conventions-extension-without-referencing-assembly-or-types directory or absolute The assembly must reside in a probing path as it is loaded into the load context to avoid other problems..
Resolve assembly references from another folder http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5260404/resolve-assembly-references-from-another-folder it cannot resolve those assemblies. I know I can use probing in app.config to specify in which folders my exe has to look..
How to load assemblies outside the appbase(more information) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6705051/how-to-load-assemblies-outside-the-appbasemore-information assemblyBinding xmlns urn schemas microsoft com asm.v1 probing privatePath bin bin2 subbin bin3 assemblyBinding runtime configuration..
Embedding one dll inside another as an embedded resource and then calling it from my code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/96732/embedding-one-dll-inside-another-as-an-embedded-resource-and-then-calling-it-fro of the CLR fails to locate an assembly according to the probing policies in effect. In the event handler for AppDomain.AssemblyResolve..