c# Programming Glossary: printfn
Best approach for designing F# libraries for use from both F# and C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10110174/best-approach-for-designing-f-libraries-for-use-from-both-f-and-c-sharp let composite compose fun item item.ToString fun item printfn A item composite foo composite bar In C# the compose function.. f Func _ _ fun item item.ToString let a Action _ fun item printfn A item let composite2 compose2 f a composite2.Invoke foo composite2.Invoke..
Is a program F# any more efficient (execution-wise) than C#? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/142985/is-a-program-f-any-more-efficient-execution-wise-than-c mutable i 0 for n 1 to 30000000 do i i f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 printfn d in fs i timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds and the equivalent in C#.. timer System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew bubblesort xs printfn fs for A timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds xs and here is the equivalent..
Reflection for F# units of measure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4005474/reflection-for-f-units-of-measure for ent in asm.Entities do if ent.IsMeasure then printfn s is measure ent.DisplayName This reads some binary metadata..
What task is best done in a functional programming style? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/694651/what-task-is-best-done-in-a-functional-programming-style e1 e2 let eval1 eval2 eval e1 eval e2 printfn Testing expressions printfn First s prettyPrint e1 printfn eval.. eval1 eval2 eval e1 eval e2 printfn Testing expressions printfn First s prettyPrint e1 printfn eval e1 b eval1 printfn Second.. printfn Testing expressions printfn First s prettyPrint e1 printfn eval e1 b eval1 printfn Second s prettyPrint e2 printfn eval..
F# extensions in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/702256/f-extensions-in-c-sharp let rangeChar Enumerable.RangeChar 'a' 'z' printfn Contains i items rangeChar.CountItems In C# you call it like..
Is it possible to write a JIT compiler (to native code) entirely in a managed .NET language http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9557293/is-it-possible-to-write-a-jit-compiler-to-native-code-entirely-in-a-managed-n Ret1ArgDelegate let mutable test 0xFFFFFFFCu printfn Value before X test test jitedFun.Invoke test printfn Value.. printfn Value before X test test jitedFun.Invoke test printfn Value after X test VirtualFree executableMemory UIntPtr.Zero..