c# Programming Glossary: printername
c# printer properties WMI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14455964/c-sharp-printer-properties-wmi I have this code to retreive printer properties string printerName PrinterName string query string.Format SELECT from Win32_Printer.. SELECT from Win32_Printer WHERE Name LIKE ' 0 ' printerName ManagementObjectSearcher searcher new ManagementObjectSearcher.. class MyWMIQuery public static void Main try string printerName PrinterName ManagementObjectSearcher searcher new ManagementObjectSearcher..
how do i check if a printer is installed and ready using C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1622903/how-do-i-check-if-a-printer-is-installed-and-ready-using-c printers using System.Drawing.Printing ... foreach string printerName in PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters Display the printer name... Display the printer name. Console.WriteLine Printer 0 printerName Retrieve the printer settings. PrinterSettings printer new PrinterSettings.. printer new PrinterSettings printer.PrinterName printerName Check that this is a valid printer. This step might be required..
How to show printer properties/preferences dialog and save changes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2437337/how-to-show-printer-properties-preferences-dialog-and-save-changes new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings var printerName printerSettings.PrinterName IntPtr handle OpenPrinter printerName.. printerSettings.PrinterName IntPtr handle OpenPrinter printerName out handle IntPtr.Zero IntPtr hDevMode printerSettings.GetHdevmode.. int sizeNeeded DocumentProperties this.Handle handle printerName pDevMode pDevMode 0 IntPtr devModeData Marshal.AllocHGlobal..
How to print PDF on default network printer using GhostScript (gswin32c.exe) shell command http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2599925/how-to-print-pdf-on-default-network-printer-using-ghostscript-gswin32c-exe-she name numberOfCopies The number of copies. param param name printerName Name of the printer. Eg server_name printer_name param param.. PrintPDF string ghostScriptPath int numberOfCopies string printerName string pdfFileName ProcessStartInfo startInfo new ProcessStartInfo.. numberOfCopies sDEVICE ljet4 sOutputFile spool printerName pdfFileName startInfo.FileName ghostScriptPath startInfo.UseShellExecute..
How to get Printer Info in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/296182/how-to-get-printer-info-in-net PortName etc. using System.Management ... string printerName YourPrinterName string query string.Format SELECT from Win32_Printer.. SELECT from Win32_Printer WHERE Name LIKE ' 0 ' printerName ManagementObjectSearcher searcher new ManagementObjectSearcher..