c# Programming Glossary: inclined
.NET HashTable Vs Dictionary - Can the Dictionary be as fast? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1089132/net-hashtable-vs-dictionary-can-the-dictionary-be-as-fast
C# code for association, aggregation, composition http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12604031/c-sharp-code-for-association-aggregation-composition This is aggregation . Edit After reading your links I'd be inclined to go with the first one since it gives an explanation similar..
Boiler plate code replacement - is there anything bad about this code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/192980/boiler-plate-code-replacement-is-there-anything-bad-about-this-code Update Regarding the second snippet I am increasingly inclined to use the 'empty delegate' pattern which fixes this problem..
Releasing temporary COM objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2191489/releasing-temporary-com-objects method but the fluent API seems usable. I'd also be inclined to flatten the code a bit. I can also see some ways of using..
Detecting coincident subset of two coincident line segments http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2255842/detecting-coincident-subset-of-two-coincident-line-segments figure out if you want to use the method. I would be more inclined to use the type system to make it much more clear what this..
What is bad practice when using out parameters? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2366741/what-is-bad-practice-when-using-out-parameters after some thought As i'm thinking about it now I would be inclined to say that excessive use of out parameters could be indicitive..
When to use a Cast or Convert http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3168704/when-to-use-a-cast-or-convert situations should each be used for. Currently I'm more inclined to use Convert but I don't have a reason to go either way. In..
Populating Dropdownlist Using MVC2 Based On Another Dropdownlist (Cascading DropDownList) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3743803/populating-dropdownlist-using-mvc2-based-on-another-dropdownlist-cascading-drop and works great. You can use a get too if you feel so inclined but you have to specify that you want to like so... return Json..
C#, int or Int32? Should I care? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/62503/c-int-or-int32-should-i-care more explicit to those reading your code. I would be inclined to use int where I just need 'an integer' Int32 where the size..
Is LinqToSQL powerful enough? Isn't a more powerful but equally fluent interface easy to construct? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/640004/is-linqtosql-powerful-enough-isnt-a-more-powerful-but-equally-fluent-interface of LinqToSQL as a complete data querying language I'm not inclined to agree that its advantages go much beyond this but I'd like..
Passing command line arguments in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/653563/passing-command-line-arguments-in-c-sharp This needs more explanation does anybody have an idea I'm inclined to call it a bug. Part 2 I ran a few more tests and X aa aa..
What type of collection should I use? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8623477/what-type-of-collection-should-i-use key points to a List T or other collection if you are so inclined of items which match that key. When a search is performed you..
What is the difference between INT, INT16, INT32 and INT64? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9696660/what-is-the-difference-between-int-int16-int32-and-int64 more explicit to those reading your code. I would be inclined to use int where I just need 'an integer' Int32 where the size..
Seeking clarification on apparent contradictions regarding weakly typed languages http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9929585/seeking-clarification-on-apparent-contradictions-regarding-weakly-typed-language may end up being considered strongly typed. I am inclined to believe though that I must be wrong in this interepretation..