c# Programming Glossary: incredibly
Regex to get src value from an img tag http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1058852/regex-to-get-src-value-from-an-img-tag XML parsing is built into the System.Xml namespace . It's incredibly powerful. HTML parsing is a bit more difficult if the HTML isn't..
How to secure an ASP.NET Web API http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11775594/how-to-secure-an-asp-net-web-api how it works and that actually does work seems to be incredibly difficult especially for a newbie to OAuth . Is there a sample..
Really simple short string compression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1192732/really-simple-short-string-compression or the ZLib library which is simple and incredibly good. Since you will be storing binary data the compressed output..
Best Practices of Test Driven Development Using C# and RhinoMocks [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/124210/best-practices-of-test-driven-development-using-c-sharp-and-rhinomocks find that using mock object frameworks makes your tests incredibly hard to read. By rolling your own you'll have complete control..
Using a Background Worker - Update a ProgressBar on the progress of a Recursive Method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1334799/using-a-background-worker-update-a-progressbar-on-the-progress-of-a-recursive Through early testing I noticed that my getSize method was incredibly efficient after a few tweaks and reported size information for..
Implementing a log viewer with WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16743804/implementing-a-log-viewer-with-wpf Virtualized UI Using VirtualizingStackPanel which provides incredibly good performance even with 200000 items Fully MVVM friendly...
Why IEnumerator of T inherts from IDisposable, but non-generic IEnumerator does NOT? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/232558/why-ienumerator-of-t-inherts-from-idisposable-but-non-generic-ienumerator-does T it can emit an unconditional call to Dispose . EDIT It's incredibly useful for Dispose to be called at the end of iteration however..
Why use simple properties instead of fields in C#? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2374416/why-use-simple-properties-instead-of-fields-in-c case of simple properties How is public int Foo get set so incredibly different than public int Foo Off the top of my head I can think..
working with incredibly large numbers in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/279038/working-with-incredibly-large-numbers-in-net with incredibly large numbers in .NET I'm trying to work through the problems.. negative numbers. Do you have any tips for working with incredibly large numbers c# .net project euler biginteger largenumber..
Is it possible to “steal” an event handler from one control and give it to another? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/293007/is-it-possible-to-steal-an-event-handler-from-one-control-and-give-it-to-anoth so if you read my question and think the answer is incredibly obvious please try to compile the code in Visual Studio first... code in Visual Studio first. Or if the answer really is incredibly obvious please feel free to slap me with it. Thanks I'm really..
How to change color of Image at runtime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/383103/how-to-change-color-of-image-at-runtime pictureBox1.Image bmp Warning GetPixel and SetPixel are incredibly slow. If your images are large and or performance is an issue..
Using OpenGl with C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/536065/using-opengl-with-c explicit f qualifier This makes for harder porting but is incredibly nice to use. As a bonus it provides font rendering texture loading..
How does one parse XML files? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/55828/how-does-one-parse-xml-files The default methods for dealing with XML in C# seem incredibly crude to me leading me to suspect that I must be missing something..
What JSON library works well for you in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/571168/what-json-library-works-well-for-you-in-net pros cons of your experience with the library would be incredibly helpful. thanks in advance. c# json serialization share improve..
(0 == variable) or (null == obj): An outdated practice in C#? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/655657/0-variable-or-null-obj-an-outdated-practice-in-c of comparing with a constant anyway I'd say this crops up incredibly rarely and isn't worth too much time spent worrying about it...
Best way to query a data dictionary in sql [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7340422/best-way-to-query-a-data-dictionary-in-sql I said but wouldn't it require a lot of code And it'd be incredibly slow. Not if we used hashtables Okay... what about data integrity..
Resizing a Single Control In WinForms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/770094/resizing-a-single-control-in-winforms kind of composite form building using docked panels is incredibly powerful. Quite frankly it was game changing in .NET when they..
How expensive are exceptions in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/891217/how-expensive-are-exceptions-in-c expensive are exceptions in C# It seems like they are not incredibly expensive as long as the stack is not deep however I have read..