

c# Programming Glossary: import

Reading Excel Files as a Server Process


evaluate because it requires strongly typed objects to import into which didn't fit my requirement . SmartXls Didn't evaluate.. evaluate because it requires strongly typed objects to import into which didn't fit my requirement . ActiveXls Fairly easy..

CSV File Imports in .Net [closed]


it seems like there should be one. What's the best way to import a CSV file into a strongly typed data structure Again simple.. data structure Again simple better. c# vb.net file csv import share improve this question Check out FileHelpers . share..

Code Coverage for C#/.NET [closed]


execution NDepend 410 for developer license NDepend can import coverage data from NCover DotCover Visual Studio 2013 2012 2010..

OCR with the Tesseract interface


you have tesseract ocr code in a DLL file you can then import the file into your C# project via Visual Studio and have it.. and do all the marshaling stuffs for you. If you can't import then DllImport will let you call the functions in the DLL from..

What do 'statically linked' and 'dynamically linked' mean?


dynamic case the main program is linked with the C runtime import library something which declares what's in the dynamic library..

Reading csv file


csv file Help needed guys I'm writing a simple import application an need to read a csv file. Show result in a datagrid.. that like this StreamReader sr new StreamReader FilePath importingData new Account string line string row new string 5 while.. string 5 while line sr.ReadLine null row line.Split ' ' importingData.Add new Transaction Date DateTime.Parse row 0 Reference..

Import and Export Excel - What is the best library? [closed]


collection and export it to Excel. We also want to import Excel files in a specific format. I'm looking for a library.. following the answer with the most votes the best Excel import export library is no export at all. This is not the case for.. CSV conversion routine. c# asp.net excel export to excel import from excel share improve this question I'm going to throw..

How would you code an efficient Circular Buffer in Java or C#


hunting is left to the user Hijack these for simplicity import java.nio.BufferOverflowException import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException.. for simplicity import java.nio.BufferOverflowException import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException public class CircularBuffer..

Writing large number of records (bulk insert) to Access in .NET/C#


02.8 seconds Write out to a text file use Automation to import the text into Access 11.0 seconds Use DAO use the column index.. I wrote out to a text file and then used Automation to import that in. This was fast 2.8 seconds and tied for first place... yyyy MM dd HH mm and then set up a special import specification that codes in this format. The import specification..

What to do when bit mask (flags) enum gets too large


ExportLocations 2199023255552 DescriptionAttribute Import Locations ImportLocations 4398046511104 DescriptionAttribute.. 2199023255552 DescriptionAttribute Import Locations ImportLocations 4398046511104 DescriptionAttribute Manage Location.. DeleteChoiceManager 36028797018963968 DescriptionAttribute Import Export Choices 57 ImportExportChoices 72057594037927936 c#..

Import Address Book from Gmail/Hotmail/Yahoo using C# and ASP.NET


Address Book from Gmail Hotmail Yahoo using C# and ASP.NET ..

HtmlEncode from Class Library


c# html encode share improve this question Import System.Web Or call the System.Web.HttpUtility which contains..

how to use RSA to encrypt files (huge data) in C#


RSACryptoServiceProvider RSA new RSACryptoServiceProvider Import the RSA Key information. This only needs toinclude the public.. This only needs toinclude the public key information. RSA.ImportParameters RSAKeyInfo byte keyValue Convert.FromBase64String.. byte keyValue Convert.FromBase64String publicKey RSA.ImportCspBlob keyValue Encrypt the passed byte array and specify OAEP..

Adding stored procedures complex types in Entity Framework


in your model use the Model Browser to add a Function Import 3 the next dialog that pops up is vitally important you need..

Embedding mercurial revision information in Visual Studio c# projects automatically


true try GetMercurialVersion Log.LogMessage MessageImportance.High Build's Mercurial Id is 0 MercurialId catch Exception.. 0 MercurialId catch Exception ex Log.LogMessage MessageImportance.High Could not retrieve or convert Mercurial Id. 0 n 1 ex.Message.. p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd .Trim Log.LogMessage MessageImportance.Normal Standard Output output string error p.StandardError.ReadToEnd..

What's the fastest way to bulk insert a lot of data in SQL Server (C# client)


Further reading Prerequisites for Minimal Logging in Bulk Import Optimizing Bulk Import Performance Out of curiosity why is your.. for Minimal Logging in Bulk Import Optimizing Bulk Import Performance Out of curiosity why is your index set up like that..

What is the best practice for “Copy Local” and with project references?


msbuild 2003 PropertyGroup ... snip ... ItemGroup Import Project MSBuildBinPath Microsoft.CSharp.targets Import Project.. Import Project MSBuildBinPath Microsoft.CSharp.targets Import Project relative path to Common.targets To modify your build..

Dependency injection and named loggers


interface. My other objects could have a depenency Import in MEF parlance on ILogManager Export from the assembly where.. public class MyClass private ILogger logger public MyClass Import typeof ILogManager logManager logger logManager.GetLogger MyClass..

using Plupload with ASP.NET/C#


I wrote for you @ Page Title Home Page Language C# @ Import Namespace System.IO script runat server type text c# protected..

Aspx to Razor syntax converter?


namespaces string text2 Regex.Replace aspxCode @ @ s Import Namespace ns . s m defaultNamespaces.Contains m.Groups ns .Value..

Import and Export Excel - What is the best library? [closed]


and Export Excel What is the best library closed In one of..

Import XML to SQL using C#


XML to SQL using C# I know it's not sporting asking for this.. for performance and read my inline comments. class XmlCsvImport public void ImportData string xmlData ConnectionStringSettings.. read my inline comments. class XmlCsvImport public void ImportData string xmlData ConnectionStringSettings connectionSettings..