c# Programming Glossary: implementors
Call Ruby or Python API in C# .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1684145/call-ruby-or-python-api-in-c-sharp-net to do everybody thinks that the DLR is only for language implementors to make it easier to implement dynamic languages on the CLI...
Class vs. Interface http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2271104/class-vs-interface Comparable in Java at least . It denotes that its implementors can be compared with each other. So you can have two classes..
Can't get RhinoMocks to emit a mock that follows the generic type restriction rules http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4382624/cant-get-rhinomocks-to-emit-a-mock-that-follows-the-generic-type-restriction-ru a basic transactional data Repository there are multiple implementors which each close TRest to the interface that defines their DB's..
Why can't I have protected interface members? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/516148/why-cant-i-have-protected-interface-members In this example the interface IOrange would guarantee that implementors at least provide an OrangePips instance to their inheritors...
Creating a Math library using Generics in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/63694/creating-a-math-library-using-generics-in-c-sharp be cleaner by once using reflection and finding all the implementors of MathProvider and assigning the instance by the one that..
What is the purpose of a stack? Why do we need it? (MSIL) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7875253/what-is-the-purpose-of-a-stack-why-do-we-need-it-msil heard of this concept was when I learned how the Infocom implementors managed to get Zork running on so many different machines so..