

c# Programming Glossary: implementors

Call Ruby or Python API in C# .NET


to do everybody thinks that the DLR is only for language implementors to make it easier to implement dynamic languages on the CLI...

Class vs. Interface


Comparable in Java at least . It denotes that its implementors can be compared with each other. So you can have two classes..

Can't get RhinoMocks to emit a mock that follows the generic type restriction rules


a basic transactional data Repository there are multiple implementors which each close TRest to the interface that defines their DB's..

Why can't I have protected interface members?


In this example the interface IOrange would guarantee that implementors at least provide an OrangePips instance to their inheritors...

Creating a Math library using Generics in C#


be cleaner by once using reflection and finding all the implementors of MathProvider and assigning the instance by the one that..

What is the purpose of a stack? Why do we need it? (MSIL)


heard of this concept was when I learned how the Infocom implementors managed to get Zork running on so many different machines so..