

c# Programming Glossary: inaccurate

Why is String.IsNullOrEmpty faster than String.Length?


Are Timers and Loops in .Net accurate?


run the following code and come to the point that they are inaccurate I might be wrong please correct me if I am For Timers int sec..

WCF will not return an int


us that the root cause is that WCF generates poor arguably inaccurate WSDLs they have a minOccurs 0 on elements that really don't..

Getting list of currently active managed threads in .NET?


fact that race conditions can make this information semi inaccurate but I'd like to try to get the best possible result even if..

Is there ever a reason to use goto in modern .NET code?


by an inept developer or is .NET reflector returning inaccurate code I'm hoping there is a good reason and I'm just blindly..

Smoothing a hand-drawn curve


epsilon alpha_r epsilon fall back on standard probably inaccurate formula and subdivide further if needed. double dist segLength..

Performance Counter - System.InvalidOperationException: Category does not exist


the performance counters and the first read can be inaccurate as indicated in the quote below. Also your lock ... statements.. The first read from a performance counter is notoriously inaccurate so OnTimerCallback null LastRequestTicks System.Environment.TickCount..

Casting a result to float in method returning float changes result


explicit cast. I'd like an answer beyond floating point is inaccurate or don't do that . float a float x float y return x y float..