c# Programming Glossary: imposes
When should I use the HashSet<T> type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1247442/when-should-i-use-the-hashsett-type dangerous to iterate over a HashSet T because doing so imposes an order on the items in the set. That order is not really a..
What ORM for .net should I use? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1691575/what-orm-for-net-should-i-use dive deep with S#arp download which is a framework that imposes all these best practices and adds NUnit to the mixture. Before..
What is the maximum length of a C#/CLI identifier? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/186523/what-is-the-maximum-length-of-a-c-cli-identifier an opaque blob. In particular it preserves case. The CLI imposes no limit on the length of names stored in metadata and subsequently..
Static Vs Instance Method Performance C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3016717/static-vs-instance-method-performance-c-sharp callvirt instruction in the intermediate language which imposes a slight overhead. Please note that changing your methods to..
Why doesn't finite repetition in lookbehind work in some flavors?p http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3159524/why-doesnt-finite-repetition-in-lookbehind-work-in-some-flavorsp have varying supports for lookbehind differently some imposes certain restrictions and some doesn't even support it at all...
Turning tracing off via app.config http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4144394/turning-tracing-off-via-app-config to what you can do with log4net and NLog. This library imposes a config only dependency on your app not a code or reference..
Seeking clarification on apparent contradictions regarding weakly typed languages http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9929585/seeking-clarification-on-apparent-contradictions-regarding-weakly-typed-language to memory you do not own. Violating memory safety. C# imposes type restrictions that are checked at both compile time and..