

c# Programming Glossary: inactivity

Multiple endpoints under IIS


would be invalid if the service aborted the channel due to inactivity. To prevent the service from aborting idle sessions prematurely..

WCF inactivity timeout


inactivity timeout I have created a very simple WCF service hosted on.. call to my service 10 mins after my first call I'll get a inactivity timeout error. I understand that this is the default setting.. I change my app.config from reliableSession ordered true inactivityTimeout 00 10 00 enabled false to reliableSession ordered true..

ASP.NET Session Timeout


a server side thing. It'll only end after X minutes of inactivity 20 minutes is the default . It will not end the instant the..

Keep Alive TCP/IP connected sockets over the Internet - when? how? and how much?


out KeepAlives down a connected socket after a period of inactivity Of course nowadays most connections timeout way before that.. aware and drop the connection after some period of time of inactivity the routers that your go through over the Internet cannot drop.. peer periodically. Either way what is a suitable period of inactivity at which to send your KeepAlive I have seen everything from..

Cookie Confusion with FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie() Method


set this value to say 30 minutes is this the time of user inactivity the user can have before their session expires The reason I.. ticket. This means that after a certain amount of time of inactivity a user is prompted to login again. If you try to check this..

WPF inactivity and activity


inactivity and activity I'm trying to handle user inactivity and activity.. inactivity and activity I'm trying to handle user inactivity and activity in a WPF application to fade some stuff in and..

Does reactive extensions support rolling buffers?


BufferWithInactivity T this IObservable T source TimeSpan inactivity int maximumBufferSize return Observable.Create IEnumerable T.. else mutable.Disposable scheduler.Schedule inactivity lock gate dump subscription source .ObserveOn scheduler..