c# Programming Glossary: implicit
What are the most important functional differences between C# and VB.NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11632/what-are-the-most-important-functional-differences-between-c-sharp-and-vb-net too C# has the yield keyword iterator blocks VB supports implicit late binding VB supports XML literals VB is case insensitive..
C# Interfaces. Implicit implementation versus Explicit implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/143405/c-sharp-interfaces-implicit-implementation-versus-explicit-implementation What are the differences in implementing interfaces implicitly and explicitly in C# When should you use implicit and when.. implicitly and explicitly in C# When should you use implicit and when should you use explicit Are there any pros and or cons.. pros and or cons to one or the other c# .net interface implicit explicit share improve this question Implicit is when you..
Solution for overloaded operator constraint in .NET generics http://stackoverflow.com/questions/147646/solution-for-overloaded-operator-constraint-in-net-generics with generics such as T result Operator.Add first second implicit T here It can be downloaded as part of MiscUtil Additionally..
Equivalent of typedef in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/161477/equivalent-of-typedef-in-c-sharp file. Fortunately the example you give does have a fix implicit method group conversion. You can change your event subscription..
C# - Convert UTC/GMT time to local time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/179940/c-sharp-convert-utc-gmt-time-to-local-time end. However we found that .NET seems to do some kind of implicit conversion and the time was always 12 hours out. The following..
XML Serialization and Inherited Types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20084/xml-serialization-and-inherited-types cannot cast we need to provide the code to do that so the implicit operator is then overloaded I never even knew you could do this.. Since the XmlSerializer Casts to from the required types implicitly. public static implicit operator AbstractType AbstractXmlSerializer.. Casts to from the required types implicitly. public static implicit operator AbstractType AbstractXmlSerializer AbstractType o ..
Conditional operator cannot cast implicitly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2215745/conditional-operator-cannot-cast-implicitly operator cannot cast implicitly I'm a little stumped by this little C# quirk Given variables.. this will not aByteValue aBoolValue 1 0 Error says Cannot implicitly convert type 'int' to 'byte'. And of course this monstrosity.. EDIT Using VS2008 C# 3.5 c# types conditional operator implicit cast share improve this question This is a fairly frequently..
What are the correct version numbers for C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/247621/what-are-the-correct-version-numbers-for-c extension methods expression trees anonymous types implicit typing var query expressions C# 4.0 released with .NET 4 and..
How To Represent 0.1 In Floating Point Arithmetic And Decimal http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3448777/how-to-represent-0-1-in-floating-point-arithmetic-and-decimal 2 4 or 1 16 . The mantissa is chunky. It consists of 1 the implicit base plus for all those bits with each being worth 1 2 n as.. 0 01111110 00000000000000000000000 which means it's the implicit base 1 plus no other additives all the mantissa bits are zero.. 0 01111110 10100000000000000000000 With the implicit base of 1 that's equivalent to the binary 01111110 01111111..
C# String enums http://stackoverflow.com/questions/424366/c-sharp-string-enums override String ToString return name Update Explicit or implicit type conversion can be done by adding static field with mapping..
DateTime vs DateTimeOffset http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4331189/datetime-vs-datetimeoffset and the .Offset property separately. There is a one way implicit conversion built in to the .Net framework that lets you pass..
Conditional operator assignment with Nullable<value> types? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/75746/conditional-operator-assignment-with-nullablevalue-types values . Unfortunately the compiler feels that There is no implicit conversion between 'null' and 'int' even though both types would..
Nullable types and the ternary operator: why is `? 10 : null` forbidden? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/858080/nullable-types-and-the-ternary-operator-why-is-10-null-forbidden expression cannot be determined because there is no implicit conversion between int and null . Am I going nuts c# .net nullable.. an int literal not int and null is well null . There's no implicit conversion between those two hence the error message. If you.. one of the following then it compiles because there is an implicit conversion between int and null #1 and between int and int #2..
How can I send emails through SSL SMTP with the .NET Framework? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1011245/how-can-i-send-emails-through-ssl-smtp-with-the-net-framework to an Encrypted connection RFC 2228 but doesn't support Implicit SSL entire connection is wrapped in an SSL layer ... c# .net..
What is the difference between new Thread(void Target()) and new Thread(new ThreadStart(void Target()))? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10482121/what-is-the-difference-between-new-threadvoid-target-and-new-threadnew-thre types with a compatible signature. This feature is called Implicit method group conversion . Sometimes you need the second one..
How do arrays in C# partially implement IList<T>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11163297/how-do-arrays-in-c-sharp-partially-implement-ilistt Foo IFoo Explicit interface implementation void IFoo.M1 Implicit interface implementation public void M2 class Test static void..
Why can I pass 1 as a short, but not the int variable i? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11432508/why-can-i-pass-1-as-a-short-but-not-the-int-variable-i that implicit conversions should be lossless. 6.1.8 Implicit constant expression conversions An implicit constant expression..
C# Interfaces. Implicit implementation versus Explicit implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/143405/c-sharp-interfaces-implicit-implementation-versus-explicit-implementation Interfaces. Implicit implementation versus Explicit implementation What are the.. interface implicit explicit share improve this question Implicit is when you define your interface via a member on your class...
Implicit Type cast in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1503430/implicit-type-cast-in-c-sharp Type cast in C# I have a question about the implicit type conversion..
Why are Cdecl calls often mismatched in the “standard” P/Invoke Convention? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15660722/why-are-cdecl-calls-often-mismatched-in-the-standard-p-invoke-convention CallingConvention Cdecl CharSet CharSet Ansi Implicit DLLImport specifying calling convention extern C int __stdcall..
Should I *always* favour implictly typed local variables in C# 3.0? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17032/should-i-always-favour-implictly-typed-local-variables-in-c-sharp-3-0 of course a matter of style but I agree with Dare C# 3.0 Implicit Type Declarations To var or not to var . I think using var instead..
Does .NET FTPWebRequest Support both Implicit (FTPS) and explicit (FTPES)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1842186/does-net-ftpwebrequest-support-both-implicit-ftps-and-explicit-ftpes .NET FTPWebRequest Support both Implicit FTPS and explicit FTPES I am being asked to support implicit.. now we can log in safely. ftp.Login username password Implicit SSL protection of the FTP session FTPS protocol was originally.. SSL parameters. ftp.Connect hostname 990 null FtpSecurity.Implicit Connection is protected now we can log in safely. ftp.Login..
XML Serialization and Inherited Types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20084/xml-serialization-and-inherited-types AbstractType IXmlSerializable Override the Implicit Conversions Since the XmlSerializer Casts to from the required..
Object copy approaches in .net: Auto Mapper, Emit Mapper, Implicit Operation, Property Copy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3457657/object-copy-approaches-in-net-auto-mapper-emit-mapper-implicit-operation-pr copy approaches in .net Auto Mapper Emit Mapper Implicit Operation Property Copy If some one knows any more ways of.. Student StudentDTO _student StopTest sw StartTest sw Implicit Operator for int i 0 i 1000000 i StudentDTO itemT _student.. sw Tests results on my PC Test Auto Mapper 22322 ms Test Implicit Operator 310 ms Test Property Copy 250 ms Test Emit Mapper 281..
How to expose a collection property? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35007/how-to-expose-a-collection-property to modify the collection then #2 and or #3 is better. Implicit in the question is why should one method be used over another..
What is Linq and what does it do? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/471502/what-is-linq-and-what-does-it-do time. myCustomers.Select c new Name c.Name Age c.Age Implicit Types Sometimes the compiler has enough information from an.. instruct the compiler to do so by using the var keyword. Implicit typing is required to declare variables for Anonymous Types..
implicit vs explicit interface implementation [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/598714/implicit-vs-explicit-interface-implementation implementation duplicate Possible Duplicate C# Interfaces Implicit and Explicit implementation Would someone explain the differences..
Implicit typing; why just local variables? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/824739/implicit-typing-why-just-local-variables typing why just local variables Does anyone know or care to..
Programming to interfaces while mapping with Fluent NHibernate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/845536/programming-to-interfaces-while-mapping-with-fluent-nhibernate actually exist. You can also try and leverage NHibernate's Implicit Polymorphism documented below the table per concrete class strategy..