

c# Programming Glossary: incorrect

Order of LINQ extension methods does not affect performance?


on the wrong track because your first statement is simply incorrect. Where is not required to find all matching items before fetching..

Do try/catch blocks hurt performance when exceptions are not thrown?


added and said an upcoming white paper warns against incorrect try catch blocks. I've looked around and found it can affect..

Illustrating usage of the volatile keyword in C#


access to a non volatile static field and which gets incorrect behavior because of that. Adding the volatile keyword in the..

How do ValueTypes derive from Object (ReferenceType) and still be ValueTypes?


allow structs to derive from classes Your statement is incorrect hence your confusion. C# does allow structs to derive from classes...

LINQ Group By Multiple fields -Syntax help


Key2 cms.Key.OrderDate Count cms.Count Example 2 incorrect var qry cust.GroupBy p p.Customer q q.OrderDate k1 k2 group..

reference assignment is atomic so why is Interlocked.Exchange(ref Object, Object) needed?


false premises. Does that mean that their conclusions are incorrect Not necessarily. Your colleague could be giving you good advice..

What are the correct version numbers for C#?


to aid those who are searching for an answer using an incorrect version number e.g. C# 3.5 . The hope is that anyone failing..

IEnumerable vs List - What to Use? How do they work?


that if I use Distinct the inner contains 6 items this is incorrect as only 2 are Distinct but the outer does contain the correct..

I get a “An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format” error on a SQL Server replication project


get a &ldquo An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format&rdquo error on a SQL Server replication project The.. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. I've recently started working on this project again.. dependencies an attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format Whilst setting up an application to run on my local machine..

Integer summing blues, short += short problem


should be illegal so why is this legal The question has an incorrect premise the third line above is wrong. The C# specification..

c# covariant return types utilizing generics


said there is no covariance in this question . This is incorrect the original poster was entirely correct to pose the question..

Casting vs using the 'as' keyword in the CLR


immediately which means that no more work is done under incorrect assumptions and the exception correctly shows the type of bug...

Lock (Monitor) internal implementation in .NET


variable most published Win32 implementations of CVs are incorrect even ones found in normally reputable sources such as Dr. Dobbs... primitives . Instead of just building a shallow and incorrect wrapper over the Win32 primitives the .NET CV implementation..

Using .NET, how can you find the mime type of a file based on the file signature not the extension


simple way to get a mime type where the file extension is incorrect or not given something similar to this question only in .Net...

Is it appropriate to extend Control to provide consistently safe Invoke/BeginInvoke functionality?


will always be true. Testing it again is redundant and incorrect. c# winforms control extension methods invoke share improve..

Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. The statement has been terminated


The database's statistics and or query plan cache are incorrect The query is too complex and needs to be tuned A deadlock can..

Get installed applications in a system


list programs installed under ALLUSERS though that may be incorrect. It also ignores the Windows components updates which may be..

How can I ensure that a division of integers is always rounded up?


solving technique. So far we've had I think five different incorrect integer arithmetic solutions to this completely not particularly..

Calculate the number of business days between two dates?


if firstDay lastDay throw new ArgumentException Incorrect last day lastDay TimeSpan span lastDay firstDay int businessDays..

What is a Value Class and what is a reference Class in C#?


C value class D value structure Correct Answer D A Incorrect You could create a reference class however it could be modified.. however it could be modified when passed to a procedure. B Incorrect You cannot create a reference structure. C Incorrect You could.. B Incorrect You cannot create a reference structure. C Incorrect You could create a value class however structures tend to be..

Create a summary description of a schedule given a list of shifts


Length Correct than Start Day Start Hour End Day End Hour Incorrect That's because as with any statistical method the correlation..

It is possible to copy all the properties of a certain control? (C# window forms)


targetControl.GetType throw new Exception Incorrect control types foreach PropertyInfo sourceProperty in sourceControl.GetType..

Incorrect number of parameters supplied for lambda declaration


number of parameters supplied for lambda declaration Please.. var m Expression.Lambda Func Engine ... The message is Incorrect number of parameters supplied for lambda declaration . public..

ASP.NET MVC 3: DefaultModelBinder with inheritance/polymorphism


concreteType.IsSubclassOf modelType throw new Exception Incorrect model type specified var concreteInstance Activator.CreateInstance..

SqlDataSourceEnumerator.Instance.GetDataSources() does not locate local SQL server 2008 instance


EnumAvailableSqlServers or SqlDataSourceEnumerator Incorrect list of available Databases Enumerating SQL Servers Programmatically..

Entity Framework Stored Procedure Table Value Parameter


I run the query I get the following truly helpful error Incorrect syntax near '0'. I can get the query to run if I revert back..

What does the [Flags] Enum Attribute mean in C#?


because by default the values start with 0 and increment. Incorrect declaration Flags public enum MyColors Yellow Green Red Blue..

Entity Framework DbContext SaveChanges() OriginalValue Incorrect


Framework DbContext SaveChanges OriginalValue Incorrect I am trying to implement an AuditLog using EF 4.1 by overriding..