

c# Programming Glossary: improvement

“Nested foreach” vs “lambda/linq query” performance(LINQ-to-Objects)


possible and then make a judgement call as to whether the improvement in performance is worth the readability hit. A direct foreach..

c# Find a file within all possible folders?


the var files new List string @Stan R. suggested an improvement to handle floppy drives... foreach DriveInfo d in DriveInfo.GetDrives..

Can you call Directory.GetFiles() with multiple filters?


.mp3 s.EndsWith .jpg edit Please read the comments. The improvement that Paul Farry suggests and the memory performance issue that..

Slow SoapHttpClientProtocol constructor


serializer assembly is. Skipping step 2 leads to only 20 improvement in the instantiation time for the VimService class. Skipping.. 1 or 3 leads to incorrect code. With all three steps 98 improvement is achieved. Here are step by step instructions Before you begin..

What is the fastest way I can compare two equal-size bitmaps to determine whether they are identical?


is only slightly faster but given the context I think any improvement is useful. Thanks everyone. Edit 2 Forgot to turn optimizations..

Performance of calling delegates vs methods


use callback interfaces we got an order of magnitude speed improvement. This was with .NET 2.0 so I'm not sure how things have changed..

Bidirectional 1 to 1 Dictionary in C#


building on Jon's thanks archived here and open for improvement summary This is a dictionary guaranteed to have only one of..

Task parallel library replacement for BackgroundWorker?


have anything that would be considered a replacement or improvement over the BackgroundWorker class I have a WinForms application.. share improve this question The Task class is an improvement over the BackgroundWorker it naturally supports nesting parent..

GetMethod for generic method [duplicate]


long to explain what it does. Also I added yet another improvement by checking for 'ref' and array types refs are ignored for matching..

How do the major C# DI/IoC frameworks compare?


Using OpenGl with C#?


c# opengl share improve this question OpenTK is an improvement over the Tao API as it uses idiomatic C# style with overloading..

The art of programming: Java vs C# [closed]


vs a million Integer objects have revealed a factor of 3 improvement Delegates Events LINQ Extension methods First class properties..

Replacing .NET WebBrowser control with a better browser, like Chrome?


looks like it's an old version so it's not necessarily an improvement. I am open to suggestions c# webbrowser control share improve..

Get a screenshot of a specific application [duplicate]


GetWindowRect IntPtr hWnd ref Rect rect It works but needs improvement You may want to use a different mechanism to get the process..

How many String objects will be created when using a plus sign?


are cached in the String Intern Pool Table for performance improvement but that's not the question. c# string clr share improve..

Quickest way to convert a base 10 number to any base in .NET?


to build the result string gives a performance improvement especially on large number see method IntToStringFast . In the..

ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is Connecting


what is very expensive. So you're gaining no performance improvement but the opposite. If the maximum pool size specified 100 is..