c# Programming Glossary: groups
Order of items in classes: Fields, Properties, Constructors, Methods [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/150479/order-of-items-in-classes-fields-properties-constructors-methods Indexers Methods Structs Classes Within each of these groups order by access SA1202 public internal protected internal protected.. internal protected private Within each of the access groups order by static then non static SA1204 static non static Within.. static non static Within each of the static non static groups of fields order by readonly then non readonly SA1214 and SA1215..
What are regular expression Balancing Groups? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17003799/what-are-regular-expression-balancing-groups braces this question and then someone brought up balancing groups. I'm still not quite sure what they are and how to use them... I mentioned. Could someone simply explain what balancing groups are and how they are useful c# .net regex balancing groups.. are and how they are useful c# .net regex balancing groups share improve this question As far as I know balancing groups..
Compiler Ambiguous invocation error - anonymous method and method group with Func<> or Action http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2057146/compiler-ambiguous-invocation-error-anonymous-method-and-method-group-with-fun types but this is a question of convertibility of method groups and delegate types which is different. Now that we've got that..
Split List into Sublists with LINQ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/419019/split-list-into-sublists-with-linq Dividing by three has the effect of grouping them into groups of 3. Then convert each group to a list and the IEnumerable..
VS2010 does not show unhandled exception message in a WinForms Application on a 64-bit version of Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4933958/vs2010-does-not-show-unhandled-exception-message-in-a-winforms-application-on-a in. This is apparently hard to fix the Windows and DevDiv groups at Microsoft are pointing fingers back and forth. DevDiv can't..
LINQ Expression to return Property value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/567963/linq-expression-to-return-property-value Expression Func T PropertyType property where T class var groups parameterList .Select Parameter index new GroupID index 2000.. Parameter .GroupBy x x.GroupID .AsEnumerable var results groups .Select g new Group g Parameters g.Select x x.Parameter .SelectMany.. Refills.Select r r.Id .Take 20 .ToArray var groups local_refill_ids .Select Parameter index new GroupID index 5..
Find Recursive Group Membership (Active Directory) using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6252819/find-recursive-group-membership-active-directory-using-c-sharp using C# I am looking to get a list of all of the groups that a user is a member of in Active Directory both explicitly.. LDAP WM2008R2ENT 389 dc dom dc fr To find all the groups that user1 is a member of Set the base to the groups container.. the groups that user1 is a member of Set the base to the groups container DN for example root DN dc dom dc fr Set the scope..
Managing multiple selections with MVVM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/803216/managing-multiple-selections-with-mvvm
MVC Razor view nested foreach's model http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8894442/mvc-razor-view-nested-foreachs-model other function which is why you can use delegates method groups and lambdas more or less interchangeably because they are just..
Regex: Named Capturing Groups in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/906493/regex-named-capturing-groups-in-net the same result. How can I access the named capturing groups that are specified in my regex c# regex .net 2.0 share improve..
Can I get more than 1000 records from a DirectorySearcher in Asp.Net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/90652/can-i-get-more-than-1000-records-from-a-directorysearcher-in-asp-net list for results is limited to 1000. I have more than 1000 groups in my domain HUGE domain . How can I get more than 1000 records..
Fluent NHibernate Many-to-Many http://stackoverflow.com/questions/108396/fluent-nhibernate-many-to-many Many relationships. public class Person public Person GroupsOwned new List Groups public virtual IList Groups GroupsOwned.. public class Person public Person GroupsOwned new List Groups public virtual IList Groups GroupsOwned get set public class.. Person GroupsOwned new List Groups public virtual IList Groups GroupsOwned get set public class Groups public Groups Admins..
What are regular expression Balancing Groups? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17003799/what-are-regular-expression-balancing-groups are regular expression Balancing Groups I was just reading a question about how to get data inside.. groups are unique to .NET's regex flavor. Aside Repeated Groups First you need to know that .NET is again as far as I know the.. Match m new Regex @ . .Match abcd you will find that m.Groups 1 .Captures Is a CaptureCollection whose elements correspond..
How to get the logon SID in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2146153/how-to-get-the-logon-sid-in-c-sharp 0xC0000000 from winnt.h public const int TokenGroups 2 from TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS enum TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS.. enum TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS TokenUser 1 TokenGroups TokenPrivileges TokenOwner TokenPrimaryGroup TokenDefaultDacl.. TokenStatistics TokenRestrictedSids TokenSessionId TokenGroupsAndPrivileges TokenSessionReference TokenSandBoxInert TokenAuditPolicy..
Active Directory Services: PrincipalContext — What is the DN of a “container” object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2538064/active-directory-services-principalcontext-what-is-the-dn-of-a-container-o IdentityType.SamAccountName userName var groups p.GetGroups foreach GroupPrincipal g in groups do something The above code.. groups do something The above code gets a list of all the Groups that the user belongs to but it happens in the clear unencrypted.. would fail but the queries like in the example to the Groups still takes place encrypted. Maybe I just don't fully understand..
ASP.NET How to get List of Groups in Active Directory http://stackoverflow.com/questions/323536/asp-net-how-to-get-list-of-groups-in-active-directory How to get List of Groups in Active Directory How can I get a full list of Groups in.. Groups in Active Directory How can I get a full list of Groups in my Active Directory c# asp.net vb.net active directory .. class test private void main foreach string @group in GetGroups Debug.Print @group public List string GetGroups DirectoryEntry..
What's the difference between “groups” and “captures” in .NET regular expressions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3320823/whats-the-difference-between-groups-and-captures-in-net-regular-expression 1 matches 0 .Captures 0 .Value Q matches 0 .Groups.Count 2 matches 0 .Groups 0 .Value Q matches 0 .Groups 0 .Captures.Count.. .Captures 0 .Value Q matches 0 .Groups.Count 2 matches 0 .Groups 0 .Value Q matches 0 .Groups 0 .Captures.Count 1 matches 0.. .Groups.Count 2 matches 0 .Groups 0 .Value Q matches 0 .Groups 0 .Captures.Count 1 matches 0 .Groups 0 .Captures 0 .Value..
How do I extract a string of text that lies between two (parenthesis) using .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/378415/how-do-i-extract-a-string-of-text-that-lies-between-two-parenthesis-using-net using regular expressions Regex.Match User name sales @ ^ .Groups 1 .Value As a response to the very funny comment here's the.. a regex mean put capture the stuff # in between into the Groups array ^ # Any character that is not a ' ' character # Zero..
How can I tell if my process is running as Administrator? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/509292/how-can-i-tell-if-my-process-is-running-as-administrator null Then you can check the Groups property on the WindowsIdentity of the user to see if that user.. admin group like so bool isLocalAdmin windowsIdentity.Groups. Select g SecurityIdentifier g.Translate typeof SecurityIdentifier..
How to get the groups of a user in Active Directory? (c#, asp.net) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5309988/how-to-get-the-groups-of-a-user-in-active-directory-c-asp-net then get his groups. How can I do this public ArrayList Groups ArrayList groups new ArrayList foreach System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference.. System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.LogonUserIdentity.Groups groups.Add group.Translate typeof System.Security.Principal.NTAccount.. get its groups very easily public List GroupPrincipal GetGroups string userName List GroupPrincipal result new List GroupPrincipal..
Use Return Value of JSON in jQuery.Ajax Script Correctly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7993160/use-return-value-of-json-in-jquery-ajax-script-correctly div table tr td asp Label ID MsLbl runat server Text Groups td td asp DropDownList ID Masterddl runat server asp ListItem..
Removing Watermark from a PDF using iTextSharp http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8768130/removing-watermark-from-a-pdf-using-itextsharp someone else's content. PDFs use Optional Content Groups OCG to store objects as layers. If you add your watermark text..
Regex: Named Capturing Groups in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/906493/regex-named-capturing-groups-in-net Named Capturing Groups in .NET I'm having a hard time finding a good resource that.. a good resource that explains how to use Named Capturing Groups in C#. This is the code that I have so far string page Encoding.ASCII.GetString..