c# Programming Glossary: grp
c#: a method to count occurrences in a list http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1139181/c-a-method-to-count-occurrences-in-a-list 1 2 3 4 5 2 2 2 4 4 4 1 var g l1.GroupBy i i foreach var grp in g Console.WriteLine 0 1 grp.Key grp.Count Edit per comment.. l1.GroupBy i i foreach var grp in g Console.WriteLine 0 1 grp.Key grp.Count Edit per comment I will try and do this justice... i i foreach var grp in g Console.WriteLine 0 1 grp.Key grp.Count Edit per comment I will try and do this justice. In my..
Distinct() with lambda? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1300088/distinct-with-lambda
How to compare 2 list by characters content and its correspondents double values? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16555321/how-to-compare-2-list-by-characters-content-and-its-correspondents-double-values char pair.Str HashSet char .CreateSetComparer .Select grp grp.OrderBy p p.Idx .First .ToList c# linq list share improve.. char pair.Str HashSet char .CreateSetComparer .Select grp grp.OrderBy p p.Idx .First .ToList c# linq list share improve..
Using Linq to group a list of objects into a new grouped list of list of objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2697253/using-linq-to-group-a-list-of-objects-into-a-new-grouped-list-of-list-of-objects
How to get duplicate items from a list using LINQ ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3811464/how-to-get-duplicate-items-from-a-list-using-linq this question var duplicates lst.GroupBy s s .SelectMany grp grp.Skip 1 Note that this will return all duplicates so if you.. question var duplicates lst.GroupBy s s .SelectMany grp grp.Skip 1 Note that this will return all duplicates so if you want..
LINQ to SQL using GROUP BY and COUNT(DISTINCT) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/448203/linq-to-sql-using-group-by-and-countdistinct do C# so you'll have to translate to VB... select new Foo grp.Key Bar grp.Select x x.SomeField .Distinct .Count Here's a Northwind.. have to translate to VB... select new Foo grp.Key Bar grp.Select x x.SomeField .Distinct .Count Here's a Northwind example.. where cust.CustomerID group cust by cust.Country into grp select new Country grp.Key Count grp.Select x x.City .Distinct..
How to programmatically create Windows user accounts on Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5984600/how-to-programmatically-create-windows-user-accounts-on-windows-7-or-windows-ser Test User from .NET NewUser.CommitChanges DirectoryEntry grp grp AD.Children.Find Guests group if grp null grp.Invoke Add.. User from .NET NewUser.CommitChanges DirectoryEntry grp grp AD.Children.Find Guests group if grp null grp.Invoke Add new.. DirectoryEntry grp grp AD.Children.Find Guests group if grp null grp.Invoke Add new object NewUser.Path.ToString Console.WriteLine..
Linq Query Group By and Selecting First Items http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6963707/linq-query-group-by-and-selecting-first-items from p in rows group p by p.ID into grp select grp.OrderBy a a new CompareRows .First See an example.. from p in rows group p by p.ID into grp select grp.OrderBy a a new CompareRows .First See an example in my post..
Efficient DataTable Group By http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8472005/efficient-datatable-group-by in dt.AsEnumerable group row by row.Field int TeamID into grp select new TeamID grp.Key MemberCount grp.Count foreach.. row by row.Field int TeamID into grp select new TeamID grp.Key MemberCount grp.Count foreach var t in result Console.WriteLine.. TeamID into grp select new TeamID grp.Key MemberCount grp.Count foreach var t in result Console.WriteLine t.TeamID t.MemberCount..
Pivot data using LINQ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/963491/pivot-data-using-linq group into columns and select the rows per column var grps from d in data group d by d.Foo into grp select new Foo grp.Key.. per column var grps from d in data group d by d.Foo into grp select new Foo grp.Key Bars grp.Select d2 d2.Bar .ToArray.. from d in data group d by d.Foo into grp select new Foo grp.Key Bars grp.Select d2 d2.Bar .ToArray find the total number..