c# Programming Glossary: gs
parallel openmp c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2038865/parallel-openmp-c-sharp g.DrawImage curBitmap 200 220 200 200 Bitmap bm Bitmap gs private void button1_Click object sender EventArgs e if path.. Bitmap gs private void button1_Click object sender EventArgs e if path openimage mack image gray scale Graphics g this.CreateGraphics.. Draw image with no effects g.DrawImage bm 200 220 200 200 gs new Bitmap bm.Width bm.Height for int i 0 i bm.Width i for..
How to print PDF on default network printer using GhostScript (gswin32c.exe) shell command http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2599925/how-to-print-pdf-on-default-network-printer-using-ghostscript-gswin32c-exe-she to print PDF on default network printer using GhostScript gswin32c.exe shell command I'd like to print PDF file s on windows'.. via GhostScript. I dont want to use Adobe Reader I've read gswin32c.exe which can do the job. I experimented with many commands.. with many commands and coudn't find the way how to force gs to print PDF on my windows default network drive. I don't need..
How do I embed fonts in an existing PDF? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4231656/how-do-i-embed-fonts-in-an-existing-pdf moved on. The suggested workaround from Microsoft http blogs.msdn.com b donovans archive 2007 07 20 reporting services pdf.. fonts in retrospect to PDFs which have not embedded them gs sFONTPATH path to fonts another dir with more fonts o output..
Unable to open the physical file Operating system error 32 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6347312/unable-to-open-the-physical-file-operating-system-error-32 Insert it into WebConfig File like below connectionStrings add name DB connectionString Data Source . SQLEXPRESS AttachDbFilename.. Source . SQLEXPRESS AttachDbFilename C inetpub wwwroot gs App_Data db.mdf Integrated Security True User Instance True.. True providerName System.Data.SqlClient connectionStrings 5.Add some code to get the data from string selectStatement..
Compression/Decompression string with C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7343465/compression-decompression-string-with-c-sharp ms.Dispose return sB.ToString static void Main string args XDocument doc XDocument.Load @ D RSP.xml string val doc.ToString.. bytes using var mso new MemoryStream using var gs new GZipStream mso CompressionMode.Compress msi.CopyTo gs CopyTo.. gs new GZipStream mso CompressionMode.Compress msi.CopyTo gs CopyTo msi gs return mso.ToArray public static string Unzip..