c# Programming Glossary: greet
Create COM/ActiveXObject in C#, use from JScript, with simple event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11175145/create-com-activexobject-in-c-use-from-jscript-with-simple-event codebase ...And then use it from JScript like this var greet new ActiveXObject Cheeso.Greet response greet.onHello function.. this var greet new ActiveXObject Cheeso.Greet response greet.onHello function WScript.Echo onHello Javascript invoked. response.. function WScript.Echo onHello Javascript invoked. response greet.Hello Fred WScript.Echo response response It works. You can..
String vs string in C# [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/215255/string-vs-string-in-c-sharp you need to refer specifically to the class. e.g. string greet String.Format Hello 0 place This is the style that Microsoft..
Best way to parse command line arguments in C#? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/491595/best-way-to-parse-command-line-arguments-in-c repeat 1 var p new OptionSet n name the NAME of someone to greet. v names.Add v r repeat the number of TIMES to repeat the greeting... v names.Add v r repeat the number of TIMES to repeat the greeting. n this must be an integer. int v repeat v v increase debug.. extra p.Parse args catch OptionException e Console.Write greet Console.WriteLine e.Message Console.WriteLine Try `greet help'..
What's the difference between String and string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7074/whats-the-difference-between-string-and-string you need to refer specifically to the class. e.g. string greet String.Format Hello 0 place This is the style that Microsoft..