c# Programming Glossary: guard
Is there a difference between i==0 and 0==i? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10656419/is-there-a-difference-between-i-0-and-0-i . I say there is no difference because you cannot guard yourself against every minuscule detail and rely on compiler..
Avoiding the woes of Invoke/BeginInvoke in cross-thread WinForm event handling? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1364116/avoiding-the-woes-of-invoke-begininvoke-in-cross-thread-winform-event-handling This one really has me stumped as there is no way to guard against this. Had they only use the InternalHandle property..
WCF service proxy not setting “FieldSpecified” property http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1680356/wcf-service-proxy-not-setting-fieldspecified-property question It might be a bit unintuitive and caught me off guard and reeling too but it's the only proper way to handle elements..
avoiding null reference exceptions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1943465/avoiding-null-reference-exceptions code contracts. With Microsoft code contracts you can guard your method from null values by adding preconditions like this..
ASP.NET request validation causes: is there a list? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2200788/asp-net-request-validation-causes-is-there-a-list the error but would like to have a complete list so I can guard against and selectively circumvent it I know how to disable..
Algorithm to avoid SQL injection on MSSQL Server from C# code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/249567/algorithm-to-avoid-sql-injection-on-mssql-server-from-c-sharp-code it to improve usability but don't rely on it as the sole guard. Know how validators provided by APIs like NET work. Don't take..
C# using consts in static classes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2631975/c-sharp-using-consts-in-static-classes ... return value.ToString I was caught off guard because this appears to be a non static field being used by..
Checking an assembly for a strong name http://stackoverflow.com/questions/308756/checking-an-assembly-for-a-strong-name your own and run mallicious code if the above was the safe guard or am I missing something Is there a more correct and secure..
Named Pipe Server throws UnauthorizedAccessException when creating a seccond instance if PipeSecurity is set http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3478166/named-pipe-server-throws-unauthorizedaccessexception-when-creating-a-seccond-ins This is a powerful right which the pipe server should guard jealously as it allows its possessor the ability to act as a..
How to ensure an event is only subscribed to once http://stackoverflow.com/questions/367523/how-to-ensure-an-event-is-only-subscribed-to-once handler How would I go about implementing such a guard c# events event handling subscription share improve this.. you have access to the source for then you could place the guard in the event definition. private bool _eventHasSubscribers false..
Is there a way in c# to detect a Windows shutdown/logoff and cancel that action (after asking the user) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4617538/is-there-a-way-in-c-sharp-to-detect-a-windows-shutdown-logoff-and-cancel-that-ac certain actions and doesn't pause the OS process time out guard. I used it once but the default time out as configured in the..
Extension Methods vs Static Utility Class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4646328/extension-methods-vs-static-utility-class warning that this is occurring so you have to be on your guard. One caveat extension methods haven't been around for long enough..
Are .NET ref parameters thread-safe, or vulnerable to unsafe multithreaded access? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/679654/are-net-ref-parameters-thread-safe-or-vulnerable-to-unsafe-multithreaded-acces possible for a reference type class but can be easily guarded against by appropriate locking within that class. We can't.. by appropriate locking within that class. We can't however guard changes to an external client's variable space itself We would..
SQL injection on INSERT http://stackoverflow.com/questions/681583/sql-injection-on-insert like to maintain good coding practices and would like to guard against SQL Injections. Can SQL injections happen on a insert.. statement with comments from the textbox If so how can I guard against it using .NET 2.0 c# sql sql injection share improve..
Why is it good practice to return at the end of a method [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/708675/why-is-it-good-practice-to-return-at-the-end-of-a-method don't subscribe to that thought though and frequently use guard clauses like this public void DoSomethingOnMales Person p if..
Events - naming convention and style http://stackoverflow.com/questions/724085/events-naming-convention-and-style this EventArgs.Empty . You should at least include a null guard to check for listeners if Tick null Tick this EventArgs.Empty.. environment if the listener is unregistered between the guard and the invocation. The best would be to capture the current..