c# Programming Glossary: grok
IEnumerable , IEnumerator vs foreach, when to use what http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1085638/ienumerable-ienumerator-vs-foreach-when-to-use-what same table at the same time. It can take a while to really grok this difference but just remembering that a list or array or..
Best Practices of Test Driven Development Using C# and RhinoMocks [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/124210/best-practices-of-test-driven-development-using-c-sharp-and-rhinomocks configuration clean up code from the developer trying to grok the unit test. In this case the clarity of each individual test..
Extending a solution for simple binding to a 'Text property to multiple Controls to handle binding to any Type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2391828/extending-a-solution-for-simple-binding-to-a-text-property-to-multiple-controls a reflection based approach but honestly I do not really grok his code and in terms of .NET 2005 is a long time ago. Background..
How big of a jump will it be to go from C# to Objective C [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2641210/how-big-of-a-jump-will-it-be-to-go-from-c-sharp-to-objective-c or WPF. It will be difficult to grasp at first but if your grok it it will make a LOT of sense. It is good ole' Model View Controller..
MonoTouch & C# VS Objective C for iphone app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2696518/monotouch-c-sharp-vs-objective-c-for-iphone-app at first but you may find it quite liberating once you grok it fully. Having used many languages in my career I find Objective..
What should a non CS grad learn to be good with programming languages like C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/327332/what-should-a-non-cs-grad-learn-to-be-good-with-programming-languages-like-c concepts of the language. For instance for C# you should grok the difference between a reference an object and a value type..
Use of Application.DoEvents() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5181777/use-of-application-doevents which in the case of DoEvents is definitely not easy to grok. Right off the bat almost any Winforms program actually contains..
Best way to really grok Java-ME for a C# guy [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/90578/best-way-to-really-grok-java-me-for-a-c-sharp-guy way to really grok Java ME for a C# guy closed I've recently started developing..