c# Programming Glossary: gridview1
allow sorting by column gridview http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10776372/allow-sorting-by-column-gridview error Exception Details System.Web.HttpException GridView 'GridView1' Trigger Events Sorting which has not been processed. Here the.. void Page_Load object sender EventArgs e if IsPostBack GridView1.DataSource eta.GetData GridView1.DataBind Here the .aspx.. e if IsPostBack GridView1.DataSource eta.GetData GridView1.DataBind Here the .aspx code only gridview asp GridView ID..
ASP.net .FindControl() and GridView returning null http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13336839/asp-net-findcontrol-and-gridview-returning-null asp Panel ID Panel1 runat server asp GridView ID GridView1 runat server AutoGenerateColumns False CellPadding 2 DataSourceID.. BorderStyle None BorderWidth 1px Width 970px OnRowCommand GridView1_RowCommand PageSize 40 AllowSorting True After that in a C#.. that in a C# file I have the following statement GridView GridView1 GridView LoginView1.FindControl GridView1 When I go to run the..
The data source does not support server-side data paging http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1661292/the-data-source-does-not-support-server-side-data-paging screen and need it to allow paging. Markup asp GridView ID GridView1 runat server AllowPaging True AutoGenerateColumns False DataSourceID..
How to display binary images into a gridview in ASP.NET using C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19132451/how-to-display-binary-images-into-a-gridview-in-asp-net-using-c id characterID Updated Answer Html Markup asp GridView ID GridView1 runat server AutoGenerateColumns false Columns asp TemplateField.. Page_Load object sender EventArgs e DataTable dt getData GridView1.DataSource dt GridView1.DataBind public DataTable getData SqlDataAdapter.. EventArgs e DataTable dt getData GridView1.DataSource dt GridView1.DataBind public DataTable getData SqlDataAdapter dap new SqlDataAdapter..
Get Data From An Uploaded Excel File Without Saving to File System http://stackoverflow.com/questions/262341/get-data-from-an-uploaded-excel-file-without-saving-to-file-system Text Send File OnClick Button1_Click asp GridView ID GridView1 runat server C# Code Behind protected void Button1_Click object.. workbook DataTable dt excelReader.WorkbookData.Tables 0 GridView1.DataSource dt.AsDataView GridView1.DataBind share improve..
LinqDataSource: Filtering and binding to gridview http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3355254/linqdatasource-filtering-and-binding-to-gridview Subject .DefaultValue this.txtSubject.Text this.GridView1.DataBind asp GridView ID GridView1 runat server AutoGenerateColumns.. this.GridView1.DataBind asp GridView ID GridView1 runat server AutoGenerateColumns False DataSourceID LinqDataSource1.. protected void btnSearch_Click object sender EventArgs e GridView1.DataSource GetInquiries txtSubject.Text GridView1.DataBind ..