c# Programming Glossary: grateful
What all should an expert C#/.Net/WPF developer know? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1099621/what-all-should-an-expert-c-net-wpf-developer-know C# .Net WPF Many thanks in advance I would be especially grateful for comprehensive answers I'm pretty sure many other developers..
Drawing image with additive blending http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12170894/drawing-image-with-additive-blending an image with an additive drawing and if so I'd be forever grateful if someone could point me out how. Thank you. EDIT #1 For drawing..
Read Introduction in C# - how to protect against it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14799876/read-introduction-in-c-sharp-how-to-protect-against-it I protect against read introduction I would also be really grateful for an explanation exactly when the compiler decides to introduce..
What are first-class objects in Java and C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1599176/what-are-first-class-objects-in-java-and-c need of attention from an expert on the subject. . I'd be grateful for a taxonomy and current usage of terms primarily related..
Converting .NET App to x86 native code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1778878/converting-net-app-to-x86-native-code yet learnt how to use the Singularity... I would be really grateful to you if you could provide me with some useful tips and advice..
C# using Tor as Proxy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1962483/c-sharp-using-tor-as-proxy hope anyone has an idea how to fix that. I would be grateful. Greetings L. c# proxy httpwebrequest tor share improve this..
Populate a DropDown/Select based on the value chosen on another DropDown http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2174334/populate-a-dropdown-select-based-on-the-value-chosen-on-another-dropdown I'm still bonking my head. If anyone can help I'd be very grateful. My code is as follows I have an object of the class Task that..
How to map IDictionary<string, Entity> in Fluent NHibernate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2254176/how-to-map-idictionarystring-entity-in-fluent-nhibernate find any documentation for it therefore would be very grateful of any help possible. Many Thanks Stu c# nhibernate fluent..
Outlook 2007 from C# - COM exception, TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2347529/outlook-2007-from-c-sharp-com-exception-type-e-libnotregistered worked well for Outlook 2003 on my other station. I'll be grateful for any ideas how to solve it. c# com interop outlook 2007..
The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/285345/the-underlying-connection-was-closed-the-connection-was-closed-unexpectedly If anyone can provide any assistance I would be most grateful. A few other things to note would be that the server I'm Requesting..
Can a Delegate have an optional parameter? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3763037/can-a-delegate-have-an-optional-parameter new to Delegates and Optional Parameters so I would be grateful for any insight. Thanks. c# .net delegates optional parameters..
Invalid length for a Base-64 char array during decoding/decryption http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4555249/invalid-length-for-a-base-64-char-array-during-decoding-decryption secure or avoid any possible problems like this i will be grateful. If there are alternating classes instead of this more secure.. this more secure and doesn't make these problems I will be grateful. I use this class in a small application used to verifying mails...
Linq Orderby Descending Query http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5344805/linq-orderby-descending-query to see if it does anything but it stays the same. I'd be grateful if someone could take a look at the query and see if I'm doing..
.NET Memory issues loading ~40 images, memory not reclaimed, potentially due to LOH fragmentation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6271891/net-memory-issues-loading-40-images-memory-not-reclaimed-potentially-due-to has any theories or profiling tips I would be extremely grateful as of course we are on a tight deadline and I am scrambling..
C# interfaces - What's the point? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6802573/c-sharp-interfaces-whats-the-point called Pizza instead of an interface. I would be very grateful if someone could shed some light on this because it really makes..