c# Programming Glossary: grid
Cannot find the memory leak http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13355496/cannot-find-the-memory-leak gesture codes that could be the problem. This is the xaml Grid x Name LayoutRoot Background Transparent Grid.RowDefinitions.. is the xaml Grid x Name LayoutRoot Background Transparent Grid.RowDefinitions RowDefinition Height RowDefinition Height Auto.. RowDefinition Height RowDefinition Height Auto Grid.RowDefinitions Image Grid.Row 0 x Name ImageHolder Height Auto..
Complex UI inside ListBoxItem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15532639/complex-ui-inside-listboxitem 1 BorderBrush Gray CornerRadius 8 Padding 4 0 4 0 Grid Grid.ColumnDefinitions ColumnDefinition Width 50 ColumnDefinition.. 1 BorderBrush Gray CornerRadius 8 Padding 4 0 4 0 Grid Grid.ColumnDefinitions ColumnDefinition Width 50 ColumnDefinition.. ColumnDefinition Width 50 ColumnDefinition Grid.ColumnDefinitions Grid.RowDefinitions RowDefinition RowDefinition..
How to add a Blend Behavior in a Style Setter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1647815/how-to-add-a-blend-behavior-in-a-style-setter attached properties. Here is a sample using this approach Grid Grid.Resources sys String x Key stringResource1 stringResource1.. properties. Here is a sample using this approach Grid Grid.Resources sys String x Key stringResource1 stringResource1 sys.. Value StaticResource debugTriggers Style Grid.Resources StackPanel DataContext StaticResource stringResource1..
Implementing a log viewer with WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16743804/implementing-a-log-viewer-with-wpf Setter Style DataTemplate DataType x Type local LogEntry Grid IsSharedSizeScope True Grid.ColumnDefinitions ColumnDefinition.. x Type local LogEntry Grid IsSharedSizeScope True Grid.ColumnDefinitions ColumnDefinition SharedSizeGroup Index Width.. SharedSizeGroup Date Width Auto ColumnDefinition Grid.ColumnDefinitions TextBlock Text Binding DateTime Grid.Column..
WPF WebBrowser Control - position:fixed Element jumps while scrolling (Windows 8) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17209626/wpf-webbrowser-control-positionfixed-element-jumps-while-scrolling-windows-8 winfx 2006 xaml Title MainWindow Height 350 Width 525 Grid WebBrowser HorizontalAlignment Stretch Name webBrowser VerticalAlignment.. Stretch Name webBrowser VerticalAlignment Stretch Grid.Row 1 Grid Window Demo Page HTML DOCTYPE html html head meta.. Name webBrowser VerticalAlignment Stretch Grid.Row 1 Grid Window Demo Page HTML DOCTYPE html html head meta http equiv..
Best Free Controls for .NET [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/361271/best-free-controls-for-net Loading Circle WinForms Google Earth Plugin Library SourceGrid grid control formerly devAge Object ListView full featured Tree.. formerly devAge Object ListView full featured Tree and Grid Advanced TreeView TreeView with GridView TreeView with Columns.. featured Tree and Grid Advanced TreeView TreeView with GridView TreeView with Columns Webforms Development AJAX DataGrid..
OneWayToSource Binding seems broken in .NET 4.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4875751/onewaytosource-binding-seems-broken-in-net-4-0 value and you can use it for your example like this Grid Grid.Resources local BlockingConverter x Key blockingConverter.. value and you can use it for your example like this Grid Grid.Resources local BlockingConverter x Key blockingConverter x.. BlockingConverter x Key blockingConverter x Shared False Grid.Resources StackPanel TextBox Text Binding TextProperty Mode..
Binding WPF ComboBox to a Custom List http://stackoverflow.com/questions/561166/binding-wpf-combobox-to-a-custom-list Then XAML DataTemplate x Key listTemplate Grid ComboBox ItemsSource Binding Path PhonebookEntries DisplayMemberPath.. Path PhonebookEntry TextBox Text Binding Path Password Grid DataTemplate ItemsControl ItemsSource Binding Path Connections.. winfx 2006 xaml Title Window1 Height 300 Width 300 Grid StackPanel Button Click Button_Click asdf Button ComboBox ItemsSource..
Data binding dynamic data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/882214/data-binding-dynamic-data I have a set of 'dynamic data' that I need to bind to the GridControl. Up until now I have been using the standard DataTable.. names and values as a KeyValuePar type. Then set up the Grid to have the column DataField properties to match those of the.. mno pqr Application.Run new Form Controls new DataGridView Dock DockStyle.Fill DataSource list class PropertyBagList..
Using the WPF Dispatcher in unit tests http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1106881/using-the-wpf-dispatcher-in-unit-tests
Cross-thread operation not valid: Control accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/142003/cross-thread-operation-not-valid-control-accessed-from-a-thread-other-than-the a globale variable List string which will be binded to grid at some later stage. The Exception it gave was Cross thread.. a globale variable List string which will be binded to grid at some later stage BUT BUT BUT... it seems I'm back to square.. a globale variable List string which will be bound to grid at some later stage if InvokeRequired after we've done all..
How Do I Generate a 3-D Surface From Isolines? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1672176/how-do-i-generate-a-3-d-surface-from-isolines versions . Here's how you can use each GRIDDATA XI YI ZI griddata x y z XI YI where x y z each represent vectors of the cartesian.. result of passing XI YI to MESHGRID to create a uniform grid of points. TriScatteredInterp class XI YI meshgrid ... F TriScatteredInterp.. uniform grid of points. TriScatteredInterp class XI YI meshgrid ... F TriScatteredInterp x y z ZI F XI YI where x y z again..
SqlDataAdapter vs SqlDataReader http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1676753/sqldataadapter-vs-sqldatareader
GridView sorting: SortDirection always Ascending http://stackoverflow.com/questions/250037/gridview-sorting-sortdirection-always-ascending sorting SortDirection always Ascending I have a gridview and I need to sort its elements when the user clicks on.. Descending. What did I do wrong c# .net asp.net sorting gridview share improve this question You can use a session variable.. to store the latest Sort Expression and when you sort the grid next time compare the sort expression of the grid with the Session..
Reading csv file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3507498/reading-csv-file an need to read a csv file. Show result in a datagrid and show corrupted lines of csv file in another grid for example.. a datagrid and show corrupted lines of csv file in another grid for example show the lines that are shorter than 5 values in.. show the lines that are shorter than 5 values in another grid. I'm trying to do that like this StreamReader sr new StreamReader..
Best Free Controls for .NET [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/361271/best-free-controls-for-net Circle WinForms Google Earth Plugin Library SourceGrid grid control formerly devAge Object ListView full featured Tree and..
ASP.NET MVC $.post call returning string…need help with format for jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4101116/asp-net-mvc-post-call-returning-string-need-help-with-format-for-jqgrid this is because of the way I'm sending the data to the grid. I'm using ASP.NET MVC 2 and I'm getting the data for the dropdown.. got that working yet. c# asp.net mvc jquery ajax jqgrid share improve this question If you try to solve the problem..
How to bind a string list to a datagrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/479329/how-to-bind-a-string-list-to-a-datagrid to bind a string list to a datagrid it looks pretty easy and there must be a way to do it i have.. to display just strings and if i set the list as a datagrid's data source myDataGrid.DataSource myStringList i get a column.. lengths are displayed. how can i do it c# binding datagridview share improve this question Thats because DataGridView..
Change Attribute's parameter at runtime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/51269/change-attributes-parameter-at-runtime when i bind an instance of the above class to a property grid. May I know how to do this c# reflection attributes share..
GridView must be placed inside a form tag with runat=“server” even after the GridView is within a form tag http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6343630/gridview-must-be-placed-inside-a-form-tag-with-runat-server-even-after-the-gri a form tag form runat server id f1 div runat server id d grid view asp GridView runat server ID g asp GridView div asp TextBox..
How to create a WPF UserControl with NAMED content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/751325/how-to-create-a-wpf-usercontrol-with-named-content void OnInitialized EventArgs e base.OnInitialized e var grid new Grid var content new ContentPresenter Content Content.. userControl.aStackPanel.Children.Add content grid.Children.Add userControl Content grid In my example above I.. content grid.Children.Add userControl Content grid In my example above I have created a user control called UserControlDefinedInXAML..
Data binding dynamic data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/882214/data-binding-dynamic-data for the DataTable's column names. However after doing gridControl.DataSource table gridControl.RefreshDataSource The grid.. names. However after doing gridControl.DataSource table gridControl.RefreshDataSource The grid has no data... I think I need.. table gridControl.RefreshDataSource The grid has no data... I think I need to implement the IEnumerator any..
Pivot data using LINQ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/963491/pivot-data-using-linq a User object and I need to flatten it out to show in a grid. It's hard to explain so let me show a quick example. Collection..