c# Programming Glossary: greater
decimal vs double! - Which one should I use and when? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1165761/decimal-vs-double-which-one-should-i-use-and-when type Which type is suitable for money computations ie. greater than 100 million c# double decimal money share improve this..
Is a program F# any more efficient (execution-wise) than C#? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/142985/is-a-program-f-any-more-efficient-execution-wise-than-c class Program static void bubblesort T Func T Func T bool greater T xs for int i 0 i xs.Length 1 i for int j i 1 j xs.Length.. int i 0 i xs.Length 1 i for int j i 1 j xs.Length j if greater xs i xs j var t xs i xs i xs j xs j t static void Main..
Solution for overloaded operator constraint in .NET generics http://stackoverflow.com/questions/147646/solution-for-overloaded-operator-constraint-in-net-generics contrast to IComparable T which can be used to emulate greater than less than . However if you just want it to work then in..
Program to find prime numbers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1510124/program-to-find-prime-numbers here is x 1.26 x ln x . We only need to test by primes not greater than x sqrt num . Note that the sieve of Eratosthenes has much..
Double.Epsilon for equality, greater than, less than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2411392/double-epsilon-for-equality-greater-than-less-than-less-than-or-equal-to-gre for equality greater than less than less than or equal to greater than or equal to.. for equality greater than less than less than or equal to greater than or equal to http msdn.microsoft.com en us library system.double.epsilon.aspx.. can be considered equal you must use a value that is greater than the Epsilon constant to establish the acceptable absolute..
C# Object Pooling Pattern implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2510975/c-sharp-object-pooling-pattern-implementation size size Argument 'size' must be greater than zero. if factory null throw new ArgumentNullException factory..
How do I pronounce “=>” as used in lambda expressions in .Net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/274022/how-do-i-pronounce-as-used-in-lambda-expressions-in-net In your example p p.Age 16 reads as P such that p.Age is greater than 16. In fact I asked this very question on the official.. I'd just use the word 'lambda' that is p lambda p dot age greater than sixteen. In comments Steve Jessop mentioned 'maps to' in..
C# Point in polygon http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4243042/c-sharp-point-in-polygon less than 0 then P is to the right of the line segment if greater than 0 it is to the left if equal to 0 then it lies on the line..
Differences in string compare methods in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/44288/differences-in-string-compare-methods-in-c-sharp I am looking for equality in this example not less than or greater than but feel free to comment on that as well c# string comparison..
How can I close a login form and show the main form without my application closing? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4759334/how-can-i-close-a-login-form-and-show-the-main-form-without-my-application-closi for that method here on MSDN which explains this in greater detail. The best solution is to move the code out of your login..
Very slow compile times on Visual Studio 2005 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/55517/very-slow-compile-times-on-visual-studio-2005 are also looking at having multiple solutions to achieve greater separation of concerns and quicker compile times for each element..
“Parameter not valid” exception loading System.Drawing.Image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/629955/parameter-not-valid-exception-loading-system-drawing-image 's length is 169014. And none of value in it is not greater than 255. But i am getting this exception. So my question is..
When should I use double instead of decimal? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/803225/when-should-i-use-double-instead-of-decimal precision someone correct me if I'm wrong and definitely greater speed for arbitrary real numbers. The simple conclusion is when..
How can I ensure that a division of integers is always rounded up? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/921180/how-can-i-ensure-that-a-division-of-integers-is-always-rounded-up quotient Otherwise it returns the smallest integer that is greater than the quotient that is it always rounds up. Now we have a..