

c# Programming Glossary: content

Looking for C# HTML parser [duplicate]


generic xml parsing libraries. c# .net html parsing html content extraction share I used the HTMLAgilityPack on a project..

Parse JSON in C#


b u003e . titleNoFormatting CHEESE.COM All about cheese . content u003cb u003eCheese u003c b u003e everything you want to know.. titleNoFormatting Cheese Wikipedia the free encyclopedia content u003cb u003eCheese u003c b u003e is a food consisting of proteins.. b u003e Homepage titleNoFormatting I Love Cheese Homepage content The American Dairy Association u0026#39 s official site includes..

Complex UI inside ListBoxItem


Independent in such a way that the ListBox and all its contents stretch to the available window size in order to leverage larger.. of high fidelity WYSIWYG documents and other types of rich content c# .net winforms listbox listboxitem share improve this question.. control that overrides paint etc to render the desired content. To your individual questions Is there any way to achieve the..

Authenticate and request a user's timeline with Twitter API 1.1 oAuth


using Stream stream authRequest.GetRequestStream byte content ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes postBody stream.Write content 0.. content ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes postBody stream.Write content 0 content.Length authRequest.Headers.Add Accept Encoding gzip.. postBody stream.Write content 0 content.Length authRequest.Headers.Add Accept Encoding gzip WebResponse..

FileSystemWatcher Changed event is raised twice


Notepad writes to the disk in batches that create the content of the file and then the file attributes. Other applications..

Best way to copy between two Stream instances


two Stream instances What is the best way to copy the contents of one stream to another Is there a standard utility method.. the framework to assist with this you have to copy the content manually like so public static void CopyStream Stream input..

What are the correct version numbers for C#?


targeting .NET 2.0. If anyone wants to bring all of the content into this wiki answer they're welcome to. share improve this..

Reading PDF content with itextsharp dll in VB.NET or C#


PDF content with itextsharp dll in VB.NET or C# How can I read PDF content.. with itextsharp dll in VB.NET or C# How can I read PDF content with the itextsharp with the Pdfreader class. My PDF may include..

How to fix the flickering in User controls


to paint itself they'll fill in the hole with their window content. When you have a lot of controls those holes are visible to..

Do you need to dispose of objects and set them to null?


Deserialize JSON into C# dynamic object?


into C# dynamic object Is there a way to deserialize JSON content into a C# 4 dynamic type It would be nice to skip creating a..

Good or bad practice for Dialogs in wpf with MVVM?


is a special but simple window. I need it to hold my content Window x Class WindowDialog xmlns http schemas.microsoft.com..

How to get a user's client IP address in ASP.NET?


not in the UK. For this reason I can't access UK only web content such as the BBC iPlayer and my employer is probably very happy..

How to secure an ASP.NET Web API


api values key2 value2 User Agent Fiddler Host localhost Content Type application x www form urlencoded Timestamp Thursday August..

Get http:/…/File Size


HEAD using System.Net.WebResponse resp req.GetResponse int ContentLength if int.TryParse resp.Headers.Get Content Length out ContentLength.. int ContentLength if int.TryParse resp.Headers.Get Content Length out ContentLength Do something useful with ContentLength.. if int.TryParse resp.Headers.Get Content Length out ContentLength Do something useful with ContentLength here If using..

Set focus on textbox in WPF from view model (C#) & wPF


Binding ContactCommand CommandParameter searchCompany Content Search Width 80 Grid.Column 2 Grid.Row 0 VerticalAlignment Top..

How does one animate a line on a canvas in C#?


Canvas Name myCanvas Button Canvas.Left 248 Canvas.Top 222 Content Button Height 23 Name button1 Width 75 Click button1_Click Canvas..

Complex UI inside ListBoxItem


Grid.RowDefinitions CheckBox Grid.Column 1 Content Is Active Customer IsChecked Binding IsActive Label Content.. Is Active Customer IsChecked Binding IsActive Label Content Id Grid.Row 1 HorizontalAlignment Right Label Content Name.. Content Id Grid.Row 1 HorizontalAlignment Right Label Content Name Grid.Row 2 HorizontalAlignment Right TextBox Text Binding..

What NoSQL solutions are out there for .NET? [closed]


app public class Todo public long Id get set public string Content get set public int Order get set public bool Done get set Thread.. redisTodos var todo new Todo Id redisTodos.GetNextSequence Content Learn Redis Order 1 redisTodos.Store todo Todo savedTodo redisTodos.GetById.. redis.incr id err val response.send # id # val 'Content Type' 'text plain' 201 One of the benefits of NoSQL is that..

Multipart forms from C# client


is AaB03x string boundary ConfigurationManager.AppSettings ContentBoundary .ToString StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder foreach.. p.Type PostDataParamType.File sb.AppendLine string.Format Content Disposition file name 0 filename 1 p.Name p.FileName sb.AppendLine.. file name 0 filename 1 p.Name p.FileName sb.AppendLine Content Type text plain sb.AppendLine sb.AppendLine p.Value else sb.AppendLine..

How do I create a custom membership provider for ASP.NET MVC 2?


Controller Action Authorization Roles Customer Manager Content Editor public class MyController Controller ...... That's it.. to access denied view MyAuthorization Roles Portal Manager Content Editor ViewName AccessDenied public class DropboxController..

WPF image resources


file to have a build action of Resource rather than just Content . This causes the image to be carried within your compiled assembly...

Good or bad practice for Dialogs in wpf with MVVM?


SingleBorderWindow WindowStartupLocation CenterOwner SizeToContent WidthAndHeight ContentPresenter x Name DialogPresenter Content.. CenterOwner SizeToContent WidthAndHeight ContentPresenter x Name DialogPresenter Content Binding . ContentPresenter.. WidthAndHeight ContentPresenter x Name DialogPresenter Content Binding . ContentPresenter Window A problem with dialogs in..

servicestack REST API and CORS


allowedMethods GET POST PUT DELETE OPTIONS allowedHeaders Content Type allowCredentials false You can leave out any of the values.. GET POST PUT DELETE OPTIONS Access Control Allow Headers Content Type Returning Custom HTTP Headers in a service These headers.. GET POST PUT DELETE OPTIONS Access Control Allow Headers Content Type The above is all the C# code you need to develop a web..