

c# Programming Glossary: context.set

How can I use Entity Framework on an object graph past a depth of 2 with MySQL Connector / NET?


and has the query and .Include calls. DbSet Harbor dbSet context.Set Harbor IQueryable Harbor query dbSet query query.Include entity.. using var context new MyContext DbSet Harbor dbSet context.Set Harbor IQueryable Harbor query dbSet query query.Include entity..

Entity Framework CodeFirst delay experienced


using var context new CodeFirstMySQLEntities return context.Set UserModel .ToList Connection String connectionStrings add..

Should you access a variable within the same class via a Property?


Creating dynamic queries with entity framework


FilterDefinition filter IQueryable SomeEntity query context.Set SomeEntity assuming that you return all records when nothing..

What causes .Attach() to be slow in EF4?


new Stopwatch watch.Start foreach var entity in list context.Set MyClass .Attach entity context.Entry entity .State System.Data.EntityState.Modified.. time 15 3 sec Test 3 Comment out the line ... context.Set MyClass .Attach entity time 57 3 sec This result is very strange..

Fastest Way of Inserting in Entity Framework


entity int count int commitCount bool recreateContext context.Set Entity .Add entity if count commitCount 0 context.SaveChanges..

How can I prevent EF “The context cannot be used while the model is being created” errors?


using var context new MyJobLeadsDbContext context.Set UnitTestEntity .Any However when I attempt to perform a 2nd..

Entity Framework 4.1. Most efficient way to get multiple entities by primary key?


var msec watch.ElapsedMilliseconds Test 1 var result context.Set MyEntity .Where e ids.Contains e.ID .ToList Result msec 85.5.. e.ID .ToList Result msec 85.5 sec Test 2 var result context.Set MyEntity .AsNoTracking .Where e ids.Contains e.ID .ToList Result.. MyDb . dbo . MyEntities WHERE ID IN 0 values var result context.Set MyEntity .SqlQuery sql .ToList Result msec 5.1 sec Test 4 same..