c# Programming Glossary: containskey
Does C# have a way of giving me an immutable Dictionary? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35002/does-c-sharp-have-a-way-of-giving-me-an-immutable-dictionary value throw new InvalidOperationException public bool ContainsKey TKey key return _dict.ContainsKey key public ICollection TKey.. public bool ContainsKey TKey key return _dict.ContainsKey key public ICollection TKey Keys get return _dict.Keys public..
Object cache for C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/581119/object-cache-for-c-sharp capacity public void Add TKey key TValue value if ContainsKey key this key value else throw new ArgumentException An attempt.. made to insert a duplicate key in the cache. public bool ContainsKey TKey key return data.ContainsKey key public ICollection TKey.. the cache. public bool ContainsKey TKey key return data.ContainsKey key public ICollection TKey Keys get return data.Keys public..
What is more efficient: Dictionary TryGetValue or ContainsKey+Item? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9382681/what-is-more-efficient-dictionary-trygetvalue-or-containskeyitem is more efficient Dictionary TryGetValue or ContainsKey Item From MSDN's entry on Dictionary.TryGetValue Method This.. Method This method combines the functionality of the ContainsKey method and the Item property. If the key is not found then the.. it is more efficient or just more convenient than calling ContainsKey and then doing the lookup. Does the implementation of TryGetValue..