c# Programming Glossary: contextmenustrip
Invoke NotifyIcon's Context Menu http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2208690/invoke-notifyicons-context-menu the NotifyIcon also causes the context menu set with the ContextMenuStrip property to open as well. How would I achieve this Do I have.. the positioning myself Edit showing the menu with trayIcon.ContextMenuStrip.Show results is a few undesirable behaviors The menu is not.. the MouseClick event to detect the click and call the ContextMenuStrip.Show method private void notifyIcon1_MouseClick object sender..
treeview node is highlighted even i did not right click on the node http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4333093/treeview-node-is-highlighted-even-i-did-not-right-click-on-the-node Create and show a context menu var myContextMenu new ContextMenuStrip myContextMenu.Items.Add First Item myContextMenu.Items.Add..
Determine what control the ContextMenuStrip was used on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4886327/determine-what-control-the-contextmenustrip-was-used-on what control the ContextMenuStrip was used on I have a ContextMenuStrip that is assigned to several.. what control the ContextMenuStrip was used on I have a ContextMenuStrip that is assigned to several different listboxes. I am trying.. different listboxes. I am trying to figure out when the ContextMenuStrip is clicked what ListBox it was used on. I tried the code below..
How to put an icon in a MenuItem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6623672/how-to-put-an-icon-in-a-menuitem .net 2.0 share improve this question Try using ContextMenuStrip and add ToolStripMenuItems to it. If you have to use MenuItem..