

c# Programming Glossary: container.dataitem

change repeater li item class if first or last


li class # GetItemClass Container.ItemIndex # Container.DataItem li ItemTemplate FooterTemplate ul FooterTemplate asp Repeater..

Dictionary<T> of List<T> and ListViews in ASP.NET


ItemTemplate uc ListViewContents DataItem ' # Container.DataItem ' ItemTemplate ListViewContents.ascx... asp Label ID lbName..

How to implement conditional formatting in a GridView


link . ie something like # FormatDataValue DataBinder.Eval Container.DataItem ItemValue Then in your codebehind you can add a Protected Function..

Binding a generic list to a repeater - ASP.NET


to bind it a repeater something like this DataBinder.Eval Container.DataItem MyAreaFieldName1 The MyAreaFieldName1 is the value of the Name.. asp Repeater You can also cast your fields # ArrayFields Container.DataItem .Fields 0 .Name Finally you could do a little CSV Function and.. out your fields with a function # GetAsCsv ArrayFields Container.DataItem .Fields public string GetAsCsv IEnumerable Fields fields var..

How to highlight the results of a text in a gridview? [duplicate]


asp TemplateField HeaderText Text ItemTemplate #GetText Container.DataItem ItemTemplate asp TemplateField And the code behind protected..