c# Programming Glossary: container
Design - Where should objects be registered when using Windsor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1410719/design-where-should-objects-be-registered-when-using-windsor In practice this means that you should configure the container at the root of your application. In a desktop app that would.. In WCF that would be in a ServiceHostFactory etc. The container is simply the engine that composes modules into a working application... unit testing in itself. Your tests should not need the container at all as your objects and modules should be composable and..
Using IoC for Unit Testing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1465849/using-ioc-for-unit-testing var sut new MyClass dep In some cases an auto mocking container can be nice to have but you don't need to use the same DI Container..
How to create and connect custom user buttons/controls with lines using windows forms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15819318/how-to-create-and-connect-custom-user-buttons-controls-with-lines-using-windows in 3 man hours. You might be surprised to know that the container that holds all these items both nodes and connectors is actually..
Dependency Inject (DI) “friendly” library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2045904/dependency-inject-di-friendly-library you . Never directly ask for a dependency by calling a container from within your code. Ask for it implicitly by using Constructor..
How to avoid Dependency Injection constructor madness? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2420193/how-to-avoid-dependency-injection-constructor-madness parameter list. Since Container is my dependency injection container why can't I just do this public MyClass Container con for every.. c# java dependency injection inversion of control ioc container share improve this question You are right that if you use.. improve this question You are right that if you use the container as a Service Locator it's more or less a glorified static factory...
Where to learn about VS debugger 'magic names' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2508828/where-to-learn-about-vs-debugger-magic-names Finally n fabricated method FabricatedMethod o dynamic container class SiteContainer p dynamic call site Site q dynamic delegate..
Panel not getting focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3562235/panel-not-getting-focus improve this question The Panel class was designed as container it avoids taking the focus so a child control will always get..
How do the major C# DI/IoC frameworks compare? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4581791/how-do-the-major-c-sharp-di-ioc-frameworks-compare Update If you do have experience with more than one DI IoC container please rank and summarise the pros and cons of those thank you... isn't an exercise in discovering all the obscure little containers that people have made I'm looking for comparisons between the.. and active frameworks. c# dependency injection unity ioc container ninject share improve this question While a comprehensive..
WPF MVVM Newbie - how should the ViewModel close the form? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/501886/wpf-mvvm-newbie-how-should-the-viewmodel-close-the-form is only known via an interface and wired up via an IOC container so no testability or maintainability is lost. It seems rather..
How to get the type of T from a generic List<T> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/557340/how-to-get-the-type-of-t-from-a-generic-listt correctly your list has the same type parameter as the container class itself. If this is the case then Type typeParameterType..
How to get object size in memory? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/605621/how-to-get-object-size-in-memory c# performance memory share improve this question Any container is a relatively small object that holds a reference to some.. to some data storage usually an array outside the actual container object and that in turn holds references to the actual objects.. holds references to the actual objects you added to the container. So the question how much memory a List takes is not even well..
servicestack REST API and CORS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8211930/servicestack-rest-api-and-cors AppHost config public override void Configure Container container Permit modern browsers e.g. Firefox to allow sending of any..
Getting ServiceStack to retain type information http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10750571/getting-servicestack-to-retain-type-information some objects to JSON. Consider this example public class Container public Animal Animal get set public class Animal public class.. public void Speak Console.WriteLine Woof var container new Container Animal new Dog var json JsonSerializer.SerializeToString container.. var container2 JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString Container json Dog container.Animal .Speak Works Dog container2.Animal..
How to remove focus from a textbox in C#/WinForms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1140250/how-to-remove-focus-from-a-textbox-in-c-winforms it next. Also note that you cannot set it to the Form. Container Controls like Form and Panel will pass the Focus on to their..
Design - Where should objects be registered when using Windsor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1410719/design-where-should-objects-be-registered-when-using-windsor Poor Man's DI but it is just so much easier to use a DI Container like Windsor. Such a Composition Root will ideally be the only..
Using IoC for Unit Testing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1465849/using-ioc-for-unit-testing IoC for Unit Testing How can a IoC Container be used for unit testing Is it useful to manage mocks in a huge.. share improve this question Generally speaking a DI Container should not be necessary for unit testing because unit testing.. can be nice to have but you don't need to use the same DI Container that the production application uses. share improve this answer..
Dependency Inject (DI) “friendly” library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2045904/dependency-inject-di-friendly-library and principles not technology. To design the API in a DI Container agnostic way follow these general principles Program to an interface.. The Hollywood Principle in DI terms says Don't call the DI Container it'll call you . Never directly ask for a dependency by calling..
Creating an instance using Ninject with additional parameters in the constructor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2227548/creating-an-instance-using-ninject-with-additional-parameters-in-the-constructor tricks. There's a good blog post on that called Your IoC Container is Showing . Minimise code going to the container and asking..
Is it better to create a singleton to access unity container or pass it through the application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2386487/is-it-better-to-create-a-singleton-to-access-unity-container-or-pass-it-through TestStuite testSuite I want to get this from my Unity Container List XPathNavigator aListOfNodes DoSomeThingToGetNodes someXml.. in aListOfNodes EDIT I want to get this from my Unity Container TestCase testCase new TestCase testSuite.TestCase.Add testCase.. framework seems a little on the odd side. Pass the IUnityContainer to my TestSuiteParser class and every child of it assume it..
How to avoid Dependency Injection constructor madness? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2420193/how-to-avoid-dependency-injection-constructor-madness constructors are starting to look like this public MyClass Container con SomeClass1 obj1 SomeClass2 obj2.... with ever increasing.. obj2.... with ever increasing parameter list. Since Container is my dependency injection container why can't I just do this.. container why can't I just do this public MyClass Container con for every class What are the downsides If I do this it feels..
Can Unity be made to not throw SynchronizationLockException all the time? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2873767/can-unity-be-made-to-not-throw-synchronizationlockexception-all-the-time call SynchronizedLifetimeManager or a descendant like ContainerControlledLifetimeManager but there were two scenarios in particular.. effect of changing the lifetime manager from Transient to ContainerControlled so that the object Unity called GetValue on was not.. put the other extensions back in again public static IUnityContainer InstallCoreExtensions this IUnityContainer container container.RemoveAllExtensions..
How do I display a popup from a WebBrowser in another window I created? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6470842/how-do-i-display-a-popup-from-a-webbrowser-in-another-window-i-created it opens in an IE window which is not a child of the MDI Container form that my main window is part of. How can i get any and all..
servicestack REST API and CORS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8211930/servicestack-rest-api-and-cors in you AppHost config public override void Configure Container container Permit modern browsers e.g. Firefox to allow sending..