

c# Programming Glossary: context.response.contenttype

Error handling when downloading file from ASP.NET Web Handler (.ashx)


void Process HttpContext context byte pdfdata GetPDFData context.Response.ContentType application pdf context.Response.AddHeader content disposition.. there. You can also try to just show a simple message as context.Response.ContentType text html context.Response.Write Error downloading file Please..

Retrieve image from database in asp.net


id else throw new ArgumentException No parameter specified context.Response.ContentType image jpeg Stream strm ShowEmpImage empno byte buffer new byte..

SpeechSynthesizer - How do I play/save the wav file?


HttpContext context MemoryStream ms new MemoryStream context.Response.ContentType application wav Thread t new Thread SpeechSynthesizer ss new..

Filehandler in asp.net


string fileName YOUR FILE.pdf context.Response.Clear context.Response.ContentType application pdf context.Response.AddHeader Content Disposition..

How to display binary images into a gridview in ASP.NET using C#?


my_Id Convert.ToInt32 context.Request.QueryString getID context.Response.ContentType image jpeg Stream strm ShowEmpImage my_Id byte buffer new byte..

How do you stream an Excel 2007 or Word 2007 file using asp.net and c#


public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context context.Response.ContentType application vnd.openxmlformats officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet..

Non Unicode in Content-Disposition header


in IE whereas it looks fine in Firefox. below is the code context.Response.ContentType .cs context.Response.AppendHeader Content Length data.Length.ToString..

How to get mx records for a dns name with System.Net.DNS?


int resp public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context context.Response.ContentType text plain try if context.Request t null qtype context.Request..

using Plupload with ASP.NET/C#


something went wrong with the 'newTicket' POST parameter context.Response.ContentType text plain context.Response.Write Error with 'newTicket' POST.. buffer 0 buffer.Length fs.Write buffer 0 buffer.Length context.Response.ContentType text plain context.Response.Write File uploaded. return I'm.. buffer 0 buffer.Length fs.Write buffer 0 buffer.Length context.Response.ContentType text plain context.Response.Write Success public bool IsReusable..

FTP handler page, call string from aspx help with method to initialize handler page


context.Response.ClearContent context.Response.ContentType image jpeg Response.Headers.Add Content Type image jpeg this..

Basic Simple Asp.net + jQuery + JSON example


public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context context.Response.ContentType application json DateTime dateStamp DateTime.Parse string Request.Form..

Rendering bytes from sql server to an image control?


ds dr ds.Tables 0 .Rows 0 arrContent byte dr ImageFile context.Response.ContentType jpeg context.Response.OutputStream.Write arrContent 0 arrContent.Length..

Use Return Value of JSON in jQuery.Ajax Script Correctly


Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject slaveValues context.Response.ContentType text json context.Response.Write responseText but there is.. responseText javaScriptSerializer.Serialize slaveValues context.Response.ContentType text json context.Response.Write responseText c# jquery asp.net..

Httplistener and file upload


context.Response.StatusCode 200 context.Response.ContentType text html using StreamWriter writer new StreamWriter context.Response.OutputStream..

Image from HttpHandler won't cache in browser


is here public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context context.Response.ContentType image jpeg int imageID if int.TryParse context.Request.QueryString..