c# Programming Glossary: continue
Websocket server: onopen function on the web socket is never called http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2211898/websocket-server-onopen-function-on-the-web-socket-is-never-called handshake. You will need to tweak the server in order to continue accepting data once the handshake has been established. share..
How to create a simple proxy in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/226784/how-to-create-a-simple-proxy-in-c have some explication or some information that will let me continue this small project Update This is what I understand see graphic..
Best way to copy between two Stream instances http://stackoverflow.com/questions/230128/best-way-to-copy-between-two-stream-instances output This will return a Task that can be continued on when completed like so await input.CopyToAsync output Code.. CopyToAsync is made the code that follows may or may not continue on the same thread that called it. The SynchronizationContext..
byte[] array pattern search http://stackoverflow.com/questions/283456/byte-array-pattern-search for int i 0 i self.Length i if IsMatch self i candidate continue list.Add i return list.Count 0 Empty list.ToArray static bool..
C# Service cannot execute batch file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/361097/c-sharp-service-cannot-execute-batch-file have to kill the batch file from the Process to be able to continue So I am sure the file exist I see it in the processes list ...
Can't operator == be applied to generic types in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/390900/cant-operator-be-applied-to-generic-types-in-c Output Inline Overloaded called Generic Press any key to continue . . . Follow Up 2 I do want to point out that changing my compare..
How to read a text file reversely with iterator in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/452902/how-to-read-a-text-file-reversely-with-iterator-in-c-sharp false if lookingAt ' r' endExclusive continue Anything non line breaking just keep looking backwards.. looking backwards if lookingAt ' n' lookingAt ' r' continue End of CRLF Swallow the preceding CR if lookingAt ' n' ..
C#: How to Make it Harder for Hacker/Cracker to Get Around or Bypass the Licensing Check? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4532540/c-how-to-make-it-harder-for-hacker-cracker-to-get-around-or-bypass-the-licensi If the application can find and verify we let the user to continue with full functionalities. If not we prompt a MessageBox showing.. If not we prompt a MessageBox showing Unlicensed continue to use with trial version functionalities limited. My question..
parse and execute JS by C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4744105/parse-and-execute-js-by-c-sharp new ScriptEngine 16d51579 a30b 4c8b a276 0ff4dc41e755 continue with chakra now Here is the full source summary Represents a.. Site.LastException throw IntPtr dispatch if expression continue our 32 bit hack... if _parse32 null _engine.GetScriptDispatch..
Developing Internet Explorer Extensions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5643819/developing-internet-explorer-extensions in x if eachChild is mshtml.IHTMLScriptElement continue if eachChild is mshtml.IHTMLStyleElement continue queue.Enqueue.. continue if eachChild is mshtml.IHTMLStyleElement continue queue.Enqueue eachChild catch Exception ex MessageBox.Show..
How to add a Timeout to Console.ReadLine()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/57615/how-to-add-a-timeout-to-console-readline made after a certain period of time program logic should continue. We assume a timeout means empty response. What is the most..
How to get object size in memory? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/605621/how-to-get-object-size-in-memory
Using C#, how does one figure out what process locked a file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/860656/using-c-how-does-one-figure-out-what-process-locked-a-file var process in processListSnapshot if process.Id 4 continue system processes var files GetFilesLockedBy process if files.Contains.. shHandle.GetType if shHandle.ProcessID process.Id continue lstHandles.Add shHandle return lstHandles private static..
Is there a reason for C#'s reuse of the variable in a foreach? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8898925/is-there-a-reason-for-cs-reuse-of-the-variable-in-a-foreach ported to previous versions of C#. You should therefore continue to be careful when using this idiom. share improve this answer..
C# Login to Website via program http://stackoverflow.com/questions/930807/c-sharp-login-to-website-via-program c# website login share improve this question You can continue using WebClient to POST instead of GET which is the HTTP verb..
C# webbrowser Ajax call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18333459/c-sharp-webbrowser-ajax-call btnNext class btn floatLe noClear btnSubmit btnRight span Continue span a c# webbrowser control share improve this question..
64 bits stuff for C# development http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1889941/64-bits-stuff-for-c-sharp-development noticeable to some extent. The most common issues Edit and Continue in Visual Studio won't work. You can fix this by forcing your..
Splash Screen Example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2455703/splash-screen-example status set above var clientList _repository.LoadClients Continue doing this above until you're done Close the splash screen splashScreen.Close..
Is it possible in .NET, using C#, to achieve event based asynchronous pattern without multithreading? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2842264/is-it-possible-in-net-using-c-to-achieve-event-based-asynchronous-pattern-wi thread originalContext.Post ignored var res obj.EndFoo Continue here 2 The code marked as 2 will continue running on the same..
How do you validate an object's internal state? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/343605/how-do-you-validate-an-objects-internal-state state. if IsValidState throw InvalidOperationException Continue with queuing parameter checking etc. Internal state is guaranteed.. the queuing also in a bad state. DebugAssert IsValidState Continue with queuing parameter checking etc. Generally behavior is now.. in queuing anything. if IsValidState DebugBreak return Continue with defenestration. Internal state is guaranteed to be good...
How to get status code from webclient? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3574659/how-to-get-status-code-from-webclient in a single method call e.g. correctly handling 100 Continue responses redirects and the like . I suspect that without using..
how to get copy file progress http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3921518/how-to-get-copy-file-progress totalBytesTransferred public enum CopyFileCallbackAction Continue 0 Cancel 1 Stop 2 Quiet 3 Flags public enum CopyFileOptions..
How to change button text for Yes & No buttons on MessageBox.Show Dialog? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4264664/how-to-change-button-text-for-yes-no-buttons-on-messagebox-show-dialog I need to change the message box control buttons as Yes to Continue and No to Close .. I dont know how to change the button text..Here..
How to convert code from C# to PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/441161/how-to-convert-code-from-c-sharp-to-php entire script and see what's the next thing that breaks. Continue until the script functions as expected. If you're not using..
VS2010 does not show unhandled exception message in a WinForms Application on a 64-bit version of Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4933958/vs2010-does-not-show-unhandled-exception-message-in-a-winforms-application-on-a Platform target to AnyCPU. The unfortunately disables Edit Continue and might not always be possible when you have a dependency..
HTTP POST Returns The Error: 417 “Expectation Failed.” (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/566437/http-post-returns-the-error-417-expectation-failed-c adds the header 'HTTP header Expect 100 Continue ' to every request unless you explicitly ask it not to by setting.. property to false System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue false Some servers choke on that header and send back the 417..
How can I receive OutputDebugString from service? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6384785/how-can-i-receive-outputdebugstring-from-service DataReadyEvent INFINITE case WaitingResult of WAIT_TIMEOUT Continue WAIT_OBJECT_0 begin SharedMessage String PAnsiChar SharedMem.. I need and process it in the main thread end WAIT_FAILED Continue end end UnmapViewOfFile SharedMem CloseHandle SharedFile end..
Large Object Heap Fragmentation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/686950/large-object-heap-fragmentation index Console.Out.WriteLine str Console.Out.WriteLine Continue. Console.In.ReadLine for int index 0 index ITERATIONS index.. index Console.Out.WriteLine str Console.Out.WriteLine Continue Console.In.ReadLine The application first creates and dereferences..
Converting blob back to original file type and making it available for download http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8592455/converting-blob-back-to-original-file-type-and-making-it-available-for-download retval myReader.GetBytes 1 startIndex outbyte 0 bufferSize Continue reading and writing while there are bytes beyond the size of..
C# WOW6432 registry node messin things up http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8959983/c-sharp-wow6432-registry-node-messin-things-up .net p invoke is required to open views of the registry. Continue to target x86 and write to HKLM Software . A 64 bit system will..
How do I suppress a thread.abort() error C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/951070/how-do-i-suppress-a-thread-abort-error-c throws a ThreadAbortException that the user can just click Continue on. How do I deal with this I was trying to suppress it like..