

c# Programming Glossary: construction

multidimensional array [][] vs [,] [duplicate]


10 9 And you can't specify the second index at the time of construction. The key is that ServicePoint is not a 2d array but an 1d array..

XDocument or XMLDocument


etc LINQ to XML also works really well with LINQ its construction model allows you to build elements with sequences of sub elements..

When using object initializers, why does the compiler generate an extra local variable?


reading that statement might reasonably assume that the construction of the foo object will be atomic. Before the assignment the..

Is the destructor called if the constructor throws an exception?


their destructors called in the reverse order of their construction. Every thing built inside the constructor won't have its destructor.. new Class Some possible cases Should m_aData throw at construction m_aObject will have its destructor called. Then the memory allocated.. by new Class is deallocated. Should m_pThing throw at construction the memory allocated by new Thing will be deallocated. Then..

Does using “new” on a strict allocate it on the heap or stack?


stack slot. See Eric Lippert's blog post on value type construction for more details and a case where it doesn't apply. I've learned..

Why .NET String is immutable? [duplicate]


count having to change with a very considerable change to construction time. In all for objects which don't have undergoing change.. immutable. The main disadvantage is in requiring extra constructions though even here it's often overstated remember you have to.. equivalent series of concatenations with their inherent construction . It would be a disadvantage if mutability was part of the purpose..

C# Object Pooling Pattern implementation


is already in the store these items would be preloaded at construction i.e. in the PreloadItems method shown last. AcquireLazy checks..

Explicit construction of entity type [MyClass] in query is not allowed


construction of entity type MyClass in query is not allowed Like the title.. type NotSupportedException Exception message Explicit construction of entity type 'Company.Project.Core.Domain.Friend' in query..

Generic methods and method overloading


two methods that have identical signatures due to generic construction then the one that is generic construction is considered to be.. due to generic construction then the one that is generic construction is considered to be less specific than the one that is natural.. bad situation. Are there any examples of this sort of type construction causing truly implementation defined behaviour Yes. See these..

Why do assignment statements return a value?


of expressions which are legal statements in C# instance construction increment decrement invocation and assignment expressions may..

Why doesn't C# support implied generic types on class constructors?


and one of my top priorities has always been to allow the construction of classes without having to specify the generic type. C# simply..

What is Linq and what does it do? [closed]


some query methods. These target IQueryable T allowing the construction of Expression Trees that can be translated by the underlying..

Is the C# static constructor thread safe?


The implementation shown is thread safe for the initial construction that is no locking or null testing is required for constructing..

What's the difference between an object initializer and a constructor?


were something added to C# 3 in order to simplify construction of objects when you're using an object. Constructors run given..

Good or bad practice? Initializing objects in getter


the following points are general problems of this pattern Construction of the object could be unsuccessful resulting in an exception..

MVVM Light & WPF - Binding Multiple instances of a Window to a ViewModel


Adv get return _adv set _adv value #endregion #region Construction public AdventurerViewModel Adventurer adv this._adv adv #endregion..

How to change folders permission to the current user by using admin credentials?


ImpersonatingDomain #endregion #endregion #region Construction Destruction Initialization summary Constructor of the impersonator..

Is it possible to intercept (or be aware of) COM Reference counting on CLR objects exposed to COM


Math Library. Here I pop up something on the screen during Construction and Destruction note in the Destruction we call the Dispose..

Common programming mistakes in .Net when handling exceptions? [closed]


exogenous exceptions. Failure to handle vexing exceptions. Construction of methods that throw vexing exceptions. Handling exceptions..

WPF - Auto Line Number for FlowDocument?


2 _marginY return sz #endregion Properties #region Construction Construction summary Constructor for printing.. sz #endregion Properties #region Construction Construction summary Constructor for printing summary param name printQueue.. sz StartPage #endregion Construction #region Interfaces Interfaces summary Add a new..