c# Programming Glossary: afterward
Why does Environment.Exit() not terminate the program anymore? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18036863/why-does-environment-exit-not-terminate-the-program-anymore
Is C#'s using statement abort-safe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3923457/is-cs-using-statement-abort-safe calling Framework code is to tear down the AppDomain afterward. This is actually a practical solution in many cases it's exactly..
In C# check that filename is *possibly* valid (not that it exists) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/422090/in-c-sharp-check-that-filename-is-possibly-valid-not-that-it-exists FileInfo instance the file does not need to exist. You can afterward do FileInfo.Exists to check if the file exists or not. share..
How can I dynamically change auto complete entries in a C# combobox or textbox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/515561/how-can-i-dynamically-change-auto-complete-entries-in-a-c-sharp-combobox-or-text BeginUpdate before changing the strings and EndUpdate afterward. Calling Remove on all the existing strings instead of Clear.. the combobox while I update the strings and adding it back afterward. Setting the AutoCompleteMode to None while I change the strings.. I change the strings and setting it back to SuggestAppend afterwards. Hooking the TextUpdate or KeyPress event instead of TextChanged..
C# : 'is' keyword and checking for Not http://stackoverflow.com/questions/811614/c-sharp-is-keyword-and-checking-for-not OP's code snippet Since you're actually casting the value afterward you could just use as instead public void Update DocumentPart..
Repository and Data Mapper pattern http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8844105/repository-and-data-mapper-pattern ref transaction Be sure to commit the transaction afterward transaction.Commit Be a good kid and clean up after yourself..