c# Programming Glossary: aim
Add Header and Footer to an existing empty word document with OpenXML SDK 2.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11672991/add-header-and-footer-to-an-existing-empty-word-document-with-openxml-sdk-2-0 to create a body first. In any case I suspect the main aim of this question is to add a header and footer so I feel this..
How accurate is Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1303667/how-accurate-is-thread-sleeptimespan of 3 times but wait 1 second between each attempt. The aim of the unit test in this case is to verify that when we requested..
Recommended ServiceStack API Structure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15231537/recommended-servicestack-api-structure Best solution is a fairly subjective term. I'll generally aim for DRY re usable performant solutions that promotes the least.. Url structure I'd use a logical Url structure that I aim to represent the identifier of a noun which is hierarchically..
Creating an instance using Ninject with additional parameters in the constructor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2227548/creating-an-instance-using-ninject-with-additional-parameters-in-the-constructor all of this is just duplication UI've introduced with the aim of avoiding the confusion of a misleading answer. Now if only..
How do i prevent my code from being stolen? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2338337/how-do-i-prevent-my-code-from-being-stolen exe's are not ok yes but it is very complicated . My final aim is extracting the IL code and write my own encrypted launcher..
How to use imagemagick.net in .net ? Please for examples [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2996973/how-to-use-imagemagick-net-in-net-please-for-examples Do you have to use ImageMagick You can use GDI if your aim is to redeliver an image in another size. http www.switchonthecode.com..
How do I compile an Expression Tree into a callable method, C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/346523/how-do-i-compile-an-expression-tree-into-a-callable-method-c paramOuter return lambdaOuter.Compile Personally I would aim towards the first method it it both simpler and more efficient...
How to do the processing and keep GUI refreshed using databinding? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4522583/how-to-do-the-processing-and-keep-gui-refreshed-using-databinding but entire GUI is frozen while processing the data. The aim well designed polished way to keep GUI up to date I am not saying..
Changing the XML structure generated by XmlSerializer in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5013435/changing-the-xml-structure-generated-by-xmlserializer-in-c-sharp btw it doesn't tie to the question but you should aim to avoid public fields for lots of reasons covered in many stackoverflow..
Non client painting on aero glass window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5634743/non-client-painting-on-aero-glass-window window Now Im customizing title bar of my application. My aim is to add one extra button on title bar. Im my previous question..
convert hex code to color name http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7791710/convert-hex-code-to-color-name hexa code #2088C1 into colour name Like Blue or Red My aim is i want to get the colour name like blue for the given hexa..
Basic render 3D perspective projection onto 2D screen with camera (without opengl) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8633034/basic-render-3d-perspective-projection-onto-2d-screen-with-camera-without-openg double x y z ideally the camera angle is positioned to aim at the 0 0 0 point double angleX angleY angleZ SomePointIn3DSpace..
cropping an area from BitmapData with C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9688454/cropping-an-area-from-bitmapdata-with-c-sharp specifying X and Y coordinates as well as H and W The aim is to copy a small area from this image. This method might be..
How to perform Join between multiple tables in LINQ lambda http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9720225/how-to-perform-join-between-multiple-tables-in-linq-lambda contains all the properties from the involved classes. My aim is to populate another object with some properties resulting..