c# Programming Glossary: aggressively
C#: How to remove a lambda event handler [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1362204/c-how-to-remove-a-lambda-event-handler the spec but I'd be quite surprised to see the C# compiler aggressively try to create equal delegates. It would certainly be unwise..
Parent form is bringing to front when the menu strip of a child form is clicked http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14160033/parent-form-is-bringing-to-front-when-the-menu-strip-of-a-child-form-is-clicked because the IMessageFilter interface is unhooked too aggressively. Therefore the .NET Framework 4.5 does not filter menu related..
Is a program F# any more efficient (execution-wise) than C#? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/142985/is-a-program-f-any-more-efficient-execution-wise-than-c non trivial pattern matches. In contrast the F# compiler aggressively optimizes pattern matches during compilation. Conversely the..
'CompanyName.Foo' is a 'namespace' but is used like a 'type' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2046012/companyname-foo-is-a-namespace-but-is-used-like-a-type that make it highly likely that suspicious code will be aggressively identified as erroneous and allow crazy code via compiler heuristics.. vehemently dislike the effects of a language design that aggressively identifies errors rather than guessing that the developer meant..
Using lock statement within a loop in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2113261/using-lock-statement-within-a-loop-in-c-sharp that the best thing to do at this point is to simply aggressively shut down and tell the user that something unexpected failed...
Structs versus classes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3942721/structs-versus-classes An enregistered object can have its descendents collected aggressively as soon as the register holding onto it is not going to be read..
Are C# uninitalized variables dangerous? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8931226/are-c-sharp-uninitalized-variables-dangerous to do so. It zeros out the memory for a local variable aggressively. The reason then for the rule that locals must be definitely.. of the local. That is already unobservable because the CLR aggressively clears locals to their default values the same as it does for..