c# Programming Glossary: ah
Why does closing a console that was started with AllocConsole cause my whole application to exit? Can I change this behavior? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11959643/why-does-closing-a-console-that-was-started-with-allocconsole-cause-my-whole-app console application share improve this question Ah yes this is one of the caveats of using the Windows console..
A way of casting a base type to a derived type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/124336/a-way-of-casting-a-base-type-to-a-derived-type of Microsoft trying to protect you against yourself. Ah well at least they're no where near as bad as Sun. share improve..
C# ADO.NET: nulls and DbNull — is there more efficient syntax? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/218808/c-sharp-ado-net-nulls-and-dbnull-is-there-more-efficient-syntax null nullable dbnull share improve this question Ah ha I found an even more efficient solution than @Trebz's datePrm.Value..
Instantiating a python class in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/579272/instantiating-a-python-class-in-c-sharp args var card new PokerCard I also tried new PokerCard Ah Console.WriteLine card.ToString Console.ReadLine What do I..
Rhino mocks ??change behaviour of stubs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/630037/rhino-mocks-change-behaviour-of-stubs time I'd rather not resort to using fi.Stub ... .Do ... . Ah probably I just need hardcopy of the fine manual for somebody.. unit testing rhino mocks share improve this question Ah I figured it out myself. Rhino supports record replay mode...
Detect system theme change in WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6360671/detect-system-theme-change-in-wpf You're probably confusing window messages for form events. Ah so it's the StyleChanged event that gets invoked in WinForms..
How can I use the RelayCommand in wpf? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/862570/how-can-i-use-the-relaycommand-in-wpf bit of extra functionality over the RelayCommand code. Ah the question changed while I was typing this answer. Assuming..