c# Programming Glossary: agreed
Are there any suggestions for developing a C# coding standards / best practices document? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14967/are-there-any-suggestions-for-developing-a-c-sharp-coding-standards-best-pract flair but to try and get a general methodology and agreed standards e.g. naming conventions to help make individuals code..
Is there ever a reason to use goto in modern .NET code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2542289/is-there-ever-a-reason-to-use-goto-in-modern-net-code MS coders in fairly high regard and while I may not have agreed with all of their decisions I always respected their reasoning...
SQL Query slow in .NET application but instantaneous in SQL Server Management Studio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2736638/sql-query-slow-in-net-application-but-instantaneous-in-sql-server-management-st to encapsulate logic in a more manageable way. Also agreed why do you pass 5 parameters if you need only three judging..
How do I pronounce “=>” as used in lambda expressions in .Net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/274022/how-do-i-pronounce-as-used-in-lambda-expressions-in-net Person Adults people.Where p p.Age 16 Or is there even an agreed way of saying it c# .net lambda conventions pronunciation ..
Are global static classes and methods bad? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3151768/are-global-static-classes-and-methods-bad global static classes and methods bad It's generally agreed upon that relying heavily on global stuff is to be avoided...
How can I encrypt with AES in C# so I can decrypt it in PHP? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4192658/how-can-i-encrypt-with-aes-in-c-sharp-so-i-can-decrypt-it-in-php be an exact multiple of the block size Key length must be agreed if there is a choice Key derivation how to create the bit string..
Model-View-Presenter in WinForms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4794121/model-view-presenter-in-winforms knowing anything at all about its presenter. There's an agreed contract between the presenter and the view and that's stated..
What kind of technologies are available for sending text messages? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/53019/what-kind-of-technologies-are-available-for-sending-text-messages use of SMS and only use SMS within the bounds of what you agreed to when you started to use the aggregator. If you overstep your..
Memory barrier generators http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6581848/memory-barrier-generators my answer from time to time. Mechanisms that are generally agreed upon to cause implicit barriers All Monitor class methods including..
Restricting a generic type parameters to have a specific constructor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9741211/restricting-a-generic-type-parameters-to-have-a-specific-constructor After all semantic contracts are that because we all agreed they are and because we all document our libraries really well..