c# Programming Glossary: advised
How to use Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel on a machine without installed MS Office? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11448197/how-to-use-microsoft-office-interop-excel-on-a-machine-without-installed-ms-offi Primary Interop Assemblies on developer machine as advised here http forums.asp.net t 1530230.aspx 1 and compile my project..
Open a shared file under another user and domain? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1192631/open-a-shared-file-under-another-user-and-domain use normal file access. b p invoke WNetAddConnection3 . Be advised that this makes your remote share accessible to every other..
Working example for JavaScriptResult in asp.net mvc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1677325/working-example-for-javascriptresult-in-asp-net-mvc side serves this client implementation only it is thus advised to avoid this functionality. It may be useful in other scenarios...
process.standardoutput.ReadToEnd() always empty? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2012509/process-standardoutput-readtoend-always-empty you copying the wrong version of your code. EDIT As I've advised in the comments you should read from standard output and standard..
Escaping values in SQL queries (C# with SQL connector) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2020373/escaping-values-in-sql-queries-c-with-sql-connector MySQL client library contains a helper method for this ill advised task. You can call MySqlHelper.EscapeString string . share..
How do I prevent and/or handle a StackOverflowException? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/206820/how-do-i-prevent-and-or-handle-a-stackoverflowexception process is terminated by default. Consequently users are advised to write their code to detect and prevent a stack overflow...
C# inherit from Dictionary, iterate over KeyValuePairs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2136213/c-sharp-inherit-from-dictionary-iterate-over-keyvaluepairs deriving from the .NET collection classes is generally ill advised because they don't offer virtual methods for calls not inherited..
How do i split a String into multiple values? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/242718/how-do-i-split-a-string-into-multiple-values
What's a good alternative to firing a stored procedure 368 times to update the database? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3282254/whats-a-good-alternative-to-firing-a-stored-procedure-368-times-to-update-the-d with the parameters in the string. Not sure if this is advised or not but from the .NET perspective you are only populating..
Wrong path returned by Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationFolder) under IIS6 WebService http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3943626/wrong-path-returned-by-environment-getfolderpathenvironment-specialfolder-appli IIS6 does not load user profile settings. Microsoft advised me to upgrade to IIS7 or call LoadUserProfile first I wonder..
C# WinForms disable DPI scaling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4009150/c-sharp-winforms-disable-dpi-scaling for my form I am aware that this is something that is not advised and that DPI should be seamless and handled by the OS. But when..
Do I need to dispose a web service reference in ASP.NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/429478/do-i-need-to-dispose-a-web-service-reference-in-asp-net instances. This singleton is lazy and thread safe. It is advised that if you make your singletons lazy they are also kept thread..
Boxing Occurrence in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7995606/boxing-occurrence-in-c-sharp object and hence boxing occurs. Over the years I ™ve always advised developers to remember the single reason for boxing I specified..
Is this Custom Principal in Base Controller ASP.NET MVC 3 terribly inefficient? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8263845/is-this-custom-principal-in-base-controller-asp-net-mvc-3-terribly-inefficient store the object in the cache as I am aware that it is not advised to store it in the session. I also don't want to have to keep..
Encrypting/Decrypting large files (.NET) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9237324/encrypting-decrypting-large-files-net of doing that I heard RSA encryption is expensive and was advised to use RSA to encrypt an AES key and then use the AES key to..
Is there a way to use TransactionScope with an existing connection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/934316/is-there-a-way-to-use-transactionscope-with-an-existing-connection existing connection I have some code that works like the advised use of TransactionScope but has an ambient connection instead..